PSYC 303 AMU Wk 3 Around the Web with Cognitive Psychology Discussion

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PSYC 303

American Military University



enhance your ability to make connections between the course readings and “real-life” situations and the everyday occurrence of cognitive processes as depicted in popular media and professional research sources. This is your opportunity to express your thoughts succinctly and coherently.  Be creative, but ensure that the reader is to able to discern that you can critique the article/media source in a scholarly way as related to course material. This is a great launching point as you begin brainstorming for the Week 7 Creative Project.

Assignment Instructions

For this assignment, you are tasked with identifying a research article or reliable, popular media source (news segment, blog article, etc.) that focuses on a topic related to cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, of a specific process or function of these area have addressed in the first three weeks of the course. 

Upon identifying your select media option, you will draft a 5 to 6-page reflection paper, summarizing the media sources’ topic, and its relevance to our understanding of cognition and learning.  Any topic discussed in our readings is fair game, but needs to be clearly depicted in the source you chose.

In your submission, please be sure to clearly address the following topics:

  • Briefly describe the article/media source you selected (e.g. its plot, characters, themes, etc.).  
    • This description does not need to be lengthy (the entire plot or process explained does not need to be explained; hit the high points).
    • Rather, the summary should be sufficient to demonstrate that you reviewed the article/media source and can convey the most relevant aspects as they relate to cognitive psychology.
  • Describe the cognitive psychology concept.  
    • What does it mean in relation to your article/media source? 
    • How you see it displayed in the article/media source you chose?
  • What new information have you learned about cognitive psychology and how it is portrayed in the public eye?
    • Does the information portrayed in the article have broader implications for the field of cognitive psychology as it is presented? 
    • Why or why not, and what might the effects be with changes or remaining the same?
  • Close your work with a brief, but succinct summary of the major take away points from your exploration around the web with cognitive psychology.

Include a minimum 5 to 6 pages, not including the required APA formatted required title and reference pages; submit APA style in-text citations throughout the work as well. 

The basic parts of a paper should also be included; these are the opening, introduction section, with a precise thesis statement, the body of the paper with clear, discernable headings where appropriate, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the major points of the entire paper.

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Finding a dependable origin of information that focused on a theme connected to

cognitive psychology is the main purpose of this assignment. “How Social media is hurting Your
Memory” was one of the topics that I picked from a section in the Times Magazine.
Remembrance of a particular set of data by an individual was a research carried out and the
findings written down on the article. Students from Princeton University, Diana and her team
carried out a finding on the effects of materials from social media, especially photos and videos
on a person’s memory of events. Although the paper you will see the summary of the findings
gotten from the study carried out by Diana and her team. Truly cognitive psychology is part and
parcel of our conscious and unconscious life events as clearly shown in the events below
Description of cognitive psychology concept
Cognition psychology as understood up to this point is the learning that takes into
attention our brainy process which includes; our thinking, how we get educated, finding answers
to a certain problem, our way of communication (language) and the ability we possess that
enables us to remember and store information(Heath, 1998). It is one of the quickly rising
subfields in psychology despite it being a relatively younger branch. Cognitive psychologists are
given a better knowledge of the human brain and its functionality through the study of how we
manage information. It also enables them to make new productive ways through which they may
use so as to help those with psychological problems. In other words, cognitive psychology is
focused on the events taking place in our brains that link input and output (response). There are
several theories that contribute majorly to cognitive psychology. They include; rational behavior
therapy (REBT) by Albert, cognitive therapy (CT) by Aaron and cognitive be...

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