Complex Analysis problem, math homework help

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The attachment is a Complex Analysis question that really needs help, thanks a lot!

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Question 5. (20 points) Suppose ICC is open we define the L norm of a function f : 1+ C as (+ | and the sup norm IfIL (9) = sup f(x). 2012 1 a) Suppose f is holomorphic on a neighbourhood of the disc Dr(20). Show that the L norm dominates the sup norm for any smaller disc. That is, for any 0 < s
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Explanation & Answer

Dear student,Please find enclosed a doc file with the step-by-step demonstrations to the different questions.Please go through them and come back to me in case you have any further doubt so that we can clarify themBest regards,Carmen

If f is holomorphic in a disk DR(z0...

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