ANT 002 UCD Killing Us Softly Paper

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ANT 002

University of California Davis



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ANT 2 - Instructions for Response Paper This assignment requires students choose ONE film (either Killing Us Softly or Race the Power of an Illusion) and write a 2-3 page response paper. Students are not required to include any of the readings from class but are free to do so if it helps their argument. Successful papers will be: well organized, focus on 1-2 key ideas from the film, and offer analysis and insights into these key ideas. Papers must meet the requirements indicated below and be turned in on time during class. General Requirements: 1. Write a 2-3 page double-spaced response paper. 2. Standard formatting: 1 inch margins, 12 point Times/Times New Roman font, and printed in black ink. 3. Do not submit a cover page. Instead include the following on the first page: Name, Class, Section/TA, Date and Title (single spaced, top left). 4. Papers are due in class on Jan 30. SUGGESTION: Use one page to summarize the key ideas from the film; choose just one or two central ideas and stay focused on these. Then take 1-2 pages to react to these themes. For example, how do these key ideas help you understand or analyze 1-2 issues in your life or in the world. OR Take these 1-2 pages to challenge the idea(s) from the film. If you decide to challenge a key idea from the film it must be grounded in an argument and you should offer evidence (such as concrete examples) and rationale you have to support your argument. IMPORTANT: Emailed papers will not be accepted. Late papers will be given a grade of 0/10. Out of fairness to all students there will be no exceptions granted to these rules except for cases of documented emergencies. REMEMBER: All students are required to adhere to the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct. For further information consult: This paper is worth 10% of your final grade. Please review this document and the requirements to be sure you understand the assignment.
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Killing Us Softly Through Advertising
Killing Us Softly is an American documentary developed from the lectures of Jean
Kilbourne and was first released in 1979. Since then, it has been revised and updated up to four
times with the latest update being in 2010. The main focus of the documentary is the positioning
of women in the advertising industry by the media, men, and society at large, and how this
positioning affects women in different facets of their lives. This documentary was the first
exposé of how advertising was used to degrade and objectify women in society. As a result, it
quickly gained the populace. Since then, it has been used as a base for most of the feminist
movements concerning media, thereby becoming a fundamental interest in university lectures
across the globe, impacting two generations. However, irrespective of the documentary being
mostly women-centered, Jean also looks into the images of men and children as outlaid by the
The documentary states that, on average, 3000 adverts are put forward for the public to
see daily, and most of them exploit the consumer's insecurity, for instance, body size, aging,
body image, and sexuality guilt-tripping them to buy their products to imp...

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