Case study Topic:
Raising Organizational Awareness: The responsibilities of Doctors within a healthcare organization.
1. opening paragraph—introduction to the situation
2. background organizational information—history, mission, values, competition, financial information, and additional information of significant value
3. area of interest—strategic planning, leadership, marketing, finance, health care operations, human resources
4. definition of the challenge/concern—specific problem or decision(s) to be made; this is your problem statement
5. alternative situations/solutions—list of options for meeting the challenge or concern
6. conclusion—summary of the situation, any constraints or limitations, and the urgency of the situation, with the best alternative presented and defended
Here, we'll pay a bit more attention to the fourth and fifth components:
Defining the Challenge/Concern
The problem statement should be a clear and concise statement of exactly what issue or concern needs to be addressed. This is not challenging to write!
To pinpoint the challenge to be addressed, ask yourself the following questions:
· What appears to be the issue/problem?
· How do I know that this is a problem? Note that, in answering this question, you will differentiate the indicators of the problem from the problem itself.
· What needs to be addressed immediately? Answering this will help you to differentiate between problems that can be resolved within the context of the case and larger issues that need to be addressed at a later time.
· What is important and what is urgent? Some problems appear to be urgent, but upon closer examination, are revealed to be relatively unimportant, while others may be far more important than they are pressing.
The problem statement can be framed as a question (e.g., What should Sue do? or How can Mr. Smith improve? It typically has to be rewritten several times during the analysis of a case, as you peel back the layers of symptoms or causation.
Coming Up With Alternative Situations/Solutions
You'll want to answer the following questions to come up with viable alternatives:
· Why or how did the challenge/concern arise? You are trying to determine cause and effect for the problems identified. You cannot solve a problem of which you cannot determine the cause! It may be helpful to think of the organization in question as consisting of the following components:
· people who transform. . .
· resources, such as materials, equipment, or supplies, using. . .
· processes, which create something of greater value
· Who is affected the most by the challenge/concern? You are trying to identify the relevant stakeholders to the situation, and who will be affected by the decisions to be made.
· What are the constraints and opportunities in this situation?
This paper should be about 7 - 10 pages of text, APA references and citation only
Explanation & Answer
Raising Organizational Awareness
Institutional Affiliation
The issue of patient safety with regard to Doctors responsibilities has over the years been
raising grave concerns over the safety of patient, partly as a result of the high-profile failures
with patients being harmed. The paper will attempt to look at the issue of creating awareness to
the responsibilities of physicians on issues of patient safety as well as analyze how such system
failures in health care institutions dealt with and also identify salient lessons and policy
Owing to the gravity of this problem, there is need for legislating or establishing better
reporting systems for investigating such failures as well as implementing lessons learnt.
Problems brought about by an evolving secrecy culture, defensiveness, protectionism among
professionals and insubordination to authority are important to such failures, as well as
preventing similar failures in future which largely depend on the structural and cultural changes
within the health care organizations (Gruen, et al. 2004).
As a result, there will be issues of missing crucial opportunities towards improving the
sector if there is failure in carrying out investigations and learning from them. Valuable lessons
have been learnt from the past have seen a growing public realization how the health care
facilities can actually be dangerous places. It is for this reason therefore that various reports from
different countries continue to focus on the issue of the public and policy on adherence to the
safety of patients. This has also been highlighted with the many incidences of gross errors made
by physicians as well as the adverse events that have resulted to some harm.
It is as a result of such concerns therefore that the sector has started to see and use
models, ideas, and also safety techniques from other sciences that have been developed and used
for long in different industrial settings where issues of reliability and safety are concerned. As a
result of major safety failures, there has been a patient safety campaign in many countries. These
have been brought about by the general breakdown of health care services and also the provision
which have harmed patients. These incidences may differ from the singular tragic failure and
harm cases sometimes widely reported in the mass media.
A notable case of such negligent case happened at the Bristol Royal Infirmary in England
in pediatric cardiac surgery. Despite many warnings on its poor surgical quality outcomes, the
cardiac surgeons at the facility went on operating on newborns between 1990 and 1995 before
they were stopped by the U.S. Department of Health (Gruen, et al. 2004). Subsequent public
inquiry showed that over thirty-five deaths could have been avoided.
The case study will therefore seek to propose for a new organizational approach model
towards do...