Original Description:
Create a 10-20 slide presentation with recorded audio that demonstrates how you would present and deliver your capstone project to your intended audience. Your presentation should be persuasive, use visual and graphical elements, and demonstrate professional speaking and presentation techniques.
Often in a business environment you will be asked to give a presentation of your knowledge, research, or plan to a group of stakeholders. In this assessment, you will present your capstone project. Imagine that your audience is a leader in the organization or industry that you chose, that they have not read your paper, and that you need to present the highlights to them in less than 10 minutes. This presentation should contain all of the main elements found in your paper and incorporate appropriate charts or graphics, as well as cite academic and business resources appropriately.
Prepare and record a short presentation of your capstone project. Ensure that your presentation meets these expectations:
- Create a persuasive presentation using techniques to make a compelling business case and recommendations.
- Write in a style that is appropriate for presenting in a professional setting and appropriate for your intended audience.
- Add your commentary in the speaker's notes area for each slide. This provides additional context to your slides, and it will be very efficient to have the speaker's notes ready when you record the audio.
- Use design techniques that enhance your message and information.
- Apply visual and graphic elements effectively to support the business case and recommendations.
- Your presentation should include charts, graphs, or any illustrative evidence that supports the business case you made in the written part of your project.
- If you use existing charts or graphs, remember to credit the source using proper APA format for citations and references; for instance, figures should have in-text citations after their titles.
- Apply professional speaking and presentation techniques for telling the business story that connects with the audience.
- Your presentation must include slides with a recorded audio of you delivering your presentation to your intended audience.
- Use best practices of professional speaking and presenting to achieve a strong presentation.

Explanation & Answer

Capstone project
Sebrika Harper
Capella University
Date: 01/28/2020
South West Airlines has been
the subject of scrutiny by
their consumer demographic
as its management
operations have been
They have canceled
numerous flights, blaming
their mechanics .
Managerial organization led
to their inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness as a
competitive airline
This project involves both
recommendations for
support and an analysis of
the problem in its entirety.
We will understand the
ineffectiveness of South West
Airlines managerial
strategies and various ways
in which this problem can be
Various managerial models
and theories will be
employed to get a better
grasp of the situation
Southwest Airlines has
been a leading contender
for decades in the airline
It has been an industrial
powerhouse, maintaining
its competitive nature for
almost five decades.
Southwest Airlines is the
fourth-largest airline in the
USA in terms of domestic
customers carried.
The organization has run into some problems that have
resulted in a lack of consumer trust and frustration.
These problems have cost the company billions of dollars
in both maintenance and damage control.
Their consumer base has become enraged at their
lackluster performance in handling the situation, drawing
to ques...