Current Literature to Compare the Project Management Methods Research Paper

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Computer Science


Topic - Research paper on current literature to compare the project management methods


1. Abstract -

2. Background (describes/includes)- What am i researching, what area i am covering/focusing etc (basically set up of the paper).

3. Issues (describes/includes) - What i read, what's going on, concern etc.

4. Insights and implications (describes/includes) - Why it is significant, what have we learned from it, how to solve the problems, what will happen if it's not solved etc.

5. Conclusion


SOURCE - Research current literature to compare the project management methods:

  • Describing the advantages and disadvantages of Waterfall, Agile (Scrum), and the Agile derivative Sashimi project management approaches.
  • Describing the concept of how several project management approaches can be merged (or not) into a cohesive approach that blends together the best practices of Waterfall and Agile.
  • Identifying what types of situations might several approaches be merged into one approach.
  • Describing the management roadblocks that might result from trying to introduce Scrum into an existing organization that primarily uses a Waterfall approach.

       Using research literature findings, address what you found to be the usual roadblocks to implementing a new project management approach in an organization. Additionally, your paper should discuss which methodology works best in which type of environment, and why? From your research, identify how, and why one method was used over another. Provide specific examples from your research.

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6 Pages
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Project Management Methods



Project Management Methods
How a project is planned and managed determines how the resources that are availed for
the project are used and how the end result will look like. Waterfall is a stage by stage phased
type of method in which the activities that needs to be undertaken to complete the project are
taken is a sequential manner one after the other. Agile methodology follows the increment
approach as opposed to the Waterfall methodology that is a step by step methodology. Waterfall
was found to have a success rate of 11% as compared to the Agile that showed a success rate of
39% as per a research conducted in the year 2015 (Girma, Garcia &Kifle, 2019). The choice of
the method depends on the view of the end product that needs to be achieved.

A project has to undergo two key processes in order to be able to be accomplished. The
first process is the planning stage where all the important undertakings and considerations are
made before setting out to carry out the project. It documents all the projections associated with
the project including the amount of time that the project is likely to take in order to be completed
(El-Haik & Shaout, 2011). The other important thing that is very important for a project is how it
is managed. It determines how the resources that are availed for the project are used and how the
end result will look like. It is, however, the resultant output that is the most important aspect that
the project power is looking for in the long run. The two softwares, that are Agile and Waterfall,
have widely been in use by various project managers in the management of their projects. It is



perfection that is sort to be achieved and hence the project managers look for ways in which they
can deal with the project in the best way possible for better results (El-Haik & Shaout, 2011).
This is the reason that the methodology that is provided by these two softwares are widely
scrutinized and...

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