Boston University Financial Concept Worksheet

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Business Finance


Your Non-CONNECT assignment #1 is to:

  • Prepare a Personal Income Statement
    • Show your source(s) of income, if any
    • Show your expense(s), if any
    • You will then calculate “Net Income” or “Net Loss”
  • Prepare a Personal Balance Sheet
    • Show your Current Assets, if any
    • Show your Long-Term Assets, if any
    • Show your Intangible Assets, if any
    • Show your Current Liabilities, if any
    • Show your Long-Term Liabilities, if any
    • Show your Equity, if any
      • “Equity” may be the amount needed to ensure that your Balance Sheet balances

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AD 632 A2 Financial Concepts Non-CONNECT Assignment #1 – Personal Financial Statements In the first 2 classes we reviewed the basic Income Statement and Balance Sheet of a sample company, as well as examples of Assets, Liabilities, etc. Please go to Blackboard, Content Area “Non-CONNECT Homework” for Assignment #1 – Personal Financial Statements. Your Non-CONNECT assignment #1 is to: (1) Prepare a Personal Income Statement a. Show your source(s) of income, if any b. Show your expense(s), if any c. You will then calculate “Net Income” or “Net Loss” (2) Prepare a Personal Balance Sheet a. Show your Current Assets, if any b. Show your Long-Term Assets, if any c. Show your Intangible Assets, if any d. Show your Current Liabilities, if any e. Show your Long-Term Liabilities, if any f. Show your Equity, if any i. “Equity” may be the amount needed to ensure that your Balance Sheet balances Your Non-CONNECT assignment #1 is due at the beginning of Class #3. Please bring a hard-copy of your Personal Income Statement and Personal Balance Sheet to class. The assignment will be discussed, then passed-in, and graded. It will be returned to you at Class #4.
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1 Worksheet
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Explanation & Answer

Hi again :)Please find the income statement and the balance sheet on the excel sheet. I have included some notes on the word document that could help you when discussing the income statement and the balance sheet. Please check them out and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. I wanted you to have the solutions as early as possible so that you can check them out and ask me if you have any questions 😇 . If all is clear, please rate me services.Thank you

AD 632 A2
Financial Concepts
Non-CONNECT Assignment #1 – Personal Financial Statements

In the first 2 classes we reviewed the basic Income Statement and Balance Sheet of a sample
company, as well as examples of Assets, Liabilities, etc. Ple...

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