need these 4 assignments today

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i need these today can you do them copy and past this link for the first assignment for assignment instructions.

assignment 2           for assignment instructions and data collection.

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assignment 3 pick one and has to be 3 pages with refrences

In this assignment, you will investigate the biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem. You will also investigate how ecosystems recover from disturbance naturally and through human restoration.

Choose 1 of the following ecosystems:

Tropical rainforestGrasslandCoral reefEstuaryDesert

You will write an APA-style research paper about your choice of ecosystem, including the following elements:

Describe where this type of ecosystem might be located. Name 1 specific example.Describe the structure of the ecosystem.List at least 3 specific examples of both abiotic components and biotic components for the ecosystem type selected.Describe the function of the ecosystemIn your own words, explain or define biogeochemical cycle.Describe the steps in the carbon cycle as an example of one biogeochemical cycle.Describe disturbance and recoveryDescribe 1 natural and 1 human-caused disturbance to the ecosystem that you have chosen.Describe the damage to the ecosystem for each example, including how the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the ecosystem changed.Provide 2 examples of natural resources provided by the ecosystem that you have selected.How can these be sustained into the future?How can humans act as good stewards to assist ecosystem recovery? Provide 1 example specific to the ecosystem that you have chosen.

assignment #4         3 pages

  • Research and describe 1 specific program that helps developing countries reach food security goal

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