MGMT 410 Apple Strategic Analysis Paper

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Business Finance

mgmt 410



you should have an understanding of the types of strategy, organizational culture, the pros and cons of different organizational structures, the elements of internal and external environments, and the types of risk a company may take. After reading the attached articles below, you then can incorporate how the strategic decisions affect the company.

Read the two articles attached about managerial economics.

Your essay will address these items: 

A. Select a company from the 35 listed at the end of our text (Case Studies - pages 540-541). Do not use any company that you previously wrote about in previous classes. This must be original research. In addition to the information in your text, research this company using at least (2) outside scholarly articles. Do not use a website as a reference. Your reference source must have an author. Discuss six selected topics from our studies throughout weeks one through five. Discuss these six topics in relation to your company and discuss how the economic situation of today influences the strategic decisions your company is making relative to the two articles on Mangerial Economics. Each of the six topics discussed should be in bold print in your Introduction and use first level headings for each of the six topics in your body text. For example, one topic you may choose may be how your company handles competition (Five Forces Framework). Another topic may be your company’s organizational structure and why they have the structure they have. You may choose to discuss your company's strategic grouping or value chain. Choose your topics and explore them in detail throughout your paper. 

Give examples using the terms and concepts in your textbook readings and your research articles.

B. What is the importance of each of the six topics within your company?

C. What is the usefulness of understanding this topic in today's corporate structure? 

D. Through what strategies does your selected company choose to excel over other strategically grouped companies. For example, what strategies does Apple choose that keeps it on top? 

Paper Format (no abstract is necessary):

Title Page - Include a title page with your name, student number, the title of your paper, course number & course name.

Introductory Paragraph - Include an introductory paragraph that states your company and your six topics and why you selected them.

Font and Spacing - Use Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines.

Length - Write a 4 to 6-page essay, not including the title page and citation page. Make sure you have at least 1400 words, not including the title and reference page. 

Reference Page - Include all sources including your textbook on a separate reference page. Use references with authors, not websites. All references must have citations within your paper.

Use the APA Style for documenting sources. You will need to include at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to your textbooks. Finally, remember Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source. 

The case studies in the back of the book are cited and referenced also. They have different authors than our text. An example of citing a case study within a text:

Sainidis, E. (2013). Case Study: Severstal and the global steel industry. In Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K. Angwin, D., Regner, P. (2014). Exploring Strategy Text & Cases (10th ed) pp. 666-670. Harlow, U.K.: Pearson

Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade. 


Textbook: Exploring Strategy Text & Cases

Authors: Johnson, Gerry

Publication Information: Ed.: 10th edition. Harlow, England : Pearson. 2013

Related ISBNs: 9781292002545. 9781292006895. 

At this point in time we have only read though chapters 1-9 in our text book. 

6 days ago

This week’s paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. No paper should be fewer than 1400 words. Double-space your work, cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. If you have quotes included in your paper, you should have more than 1400 words to compensate. Your work will be automatically reviewed by Turnitin upon submission. Please make sure you have cited your work properly. Utilize the APA resource material provided in the lessons section of the classroom under course materials. 

After our readings over the past five weeks, you should have an understanding of the types of strategy, organizational culture, the pros and cons of different organizational structures, the elements of internal and external environments, and the types of risk a company may take. After reading the attached articles below, you then can incorporate how the strategic decisions affect the company.

Read the two articles attached about managerial economics.

Your essay will address these items: 

A. Select a company from the 35 listed at the end of our text (Case Studies - pages 540-541). Do not use any company that you previously wrote about in previous classes. This must be original research. In addition to the information in your text, research this company using at least (2) outside scholarly articles. Do not use a website as a reference. Your reference source must have an author. Discuss six selected topics from our studies throughout weeks one through five. Discuss these six topics in relation to your company and discuss how the economic situation of today influences the strategic decisions your company is making relative to the two articles on Mangerial Economics. Each of the six topics discussed should be in bold print in your Introduction and use first level headings for each of the six topics in your body text. For example, one topic you may choose may be how your company handles competition (Five Forces Framework). Another topic may be your company’s organizational structure and why they have the structure they have. You may choose to discuss your company's strategic grouping or value chain. Choose your topics and explore them in detail throughout your paper. 

Give examples using the terms and concepts in your textbook readings and your research articles.

B. What is the importance of each of the six topics within your company?

C. What is the usefulness of understanding this topic in today's corporate structure? 

D. Through what strategies does your selected company choose to excel over other strategically grouped companies. For example, what strategies does Apple choose that keeps it on top? 

Paper Format (no abstract is necessary):

Title Page - Include a title page with your name, student number, the title of your paper, course number & course name.

Introductory Paragraph - Include an introductory paragraph that states your company and your six topics and why you selected them.

Font and Spacing - Use Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines.

Length - Write a 4 to 6-page essay, not including the title page and citation page. Make sure you have at least 1400 words, not including the title and reference page. 

Reference Page - Include all sources including your textbook on a separate reference page. Use references with authors, not websites. All references must have citations within your paper.

Use the APA Style for documenting sources. You will need to include at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to your textbooks. Finally, remember Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source. 

The case studies in the back of the book are cited and referenced also. They have different authors than our text. An example of citing a case study within a text:

Sainidis, E. (2013). Case Study: Severstal and the global steel industry. In Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K. Angwin, D., Regner, P. (2014). Exploring Strategy Text & Cases (10th ed) pp. 666-670. Harlow, U.K.: Pearson

Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade. 


Textbook: Exploring Strategy Text & Cases

Authors: Johnson, Gerry

Publication Information: Ed.: 10th edition. Harlow, England : Pearson. 2013

Related ISBNs: 9781292002545. 9781292006895. 

At this point in time we have only read though chapters 1-9 in our text book. 

6 days ago


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Updating managerial economics Egan, Thomas P Business Economics; Jul 1995; 30, 3; ProQuest pg. 51 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Managerial Economics and Management Decisions Birch, C M Business Quarterly (pre-1986); Fall 1965; 30, 3; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 70 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
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4 pages
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Apple’s Strategic Analysis
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation




This paper has analyzed Apple Inc. using six strategy-related topics. Apple operates in
the technology sector and has become one of the most notable global brands. The six topics
under discussion are; Porter's five forces, Porter's generic strategies, marketing, SWOT, value
chain and international strategies. These topics were selected as they have an influence on the
strategic decisions Apple is taking. Their respective lessons can help Apple overcome some of
the strategic challenges it is facing. For instance, Porter’s generic strategies can help Apple
differentiate itself relative to competitors by developing competitive edges. The paper will
discuss the topics in relation to Apple also discuss how the current economic situation influences
the strategic decisions Apple is making.
Strategic Analysis
Porter’s Five Forces
Bargaining Power of Apple’s Customers
The bargaining power of consumers is strong as consumers have access to many other
equally powerful brands (Fan & Yang, 2016). Additionally, the power is high since switching
costs are low. To limit this power from affecting its business, Apple guarantees customer
satisfaction and also has a loyalty program that aims to retain its customers.
Bargaining Power of Apple’s Suppliers
The bargaining power of suppliers is weak. Apple neutralized this power by globalizing
its supply chain, making sure no particular supplier can dictate prices or quality metrics (Clarke
& Boersma, 2017). Apple further weakens this power through the use of long terms contracts.


Threat of Substitutes or Substitution
The threat of substitutes is high. Competitors such as Samsung, Google and Microsoft
produce quality products that can rival Apple in terms of quality and reliability. To overcome
this force, Apple makes innovative and quality products.
Threat of New Entrants
Although the threat of new entrants is low, Apple adopted some measures to limit its
effects. It has developed a high brand position that is difficult for new entrants to develop
(Dissanayake & Amarasuriya, 2015). Additionally, Apple has developed a huge portfolio that
new entrants would struggle to replicate.
Competitive Rivalry
Competitive rivalry is high but Apple has relied on its high innovative ability to maintain
a high market position. Again, its high level of customer satisfaction ensures that it preserves its
market share.
Current Economic Situation
The current economic situation has an influence decision Apple is taking. In particular,
Apple has adopted some measures...

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