Mapping the Process of Innovation, assignment help

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Business Finance


Write a 3+ page, double-spaced essay regarding: Mapping the Process of Innovation

  1. Pick an industry (e.g. groceries, airlines, publishing, etc.) and explain the innovative process that must take place for successful integration of innovation.
  2. Recommend how an industry leader should search, select, implement, acquire, execute, launch, and sustain an innovative offering that is appropriate for the chosen industry.
  3. What can they learn from the adopting innovation?
  4. How can this be used to maintain a competitive edge?
  5. Were there any areas within this process that required extra emphasis?

Write in APA format with complete paragraphs (4-8 sentences each).

  • Include an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Cite consistently throughout your work in APA format.
  • Paraphrase rather than directly quote citations.
  • Write in third person. Include a title and reference page.

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Explanation & Answer

RUNNING HEAD: Innovation process.


RUNNING HEAD: Innovation process.

Innovation is the process of creating something new that the market has not seen before. (2009,
Matt).It is very important however to distinguish the difference between innovation and
invention as invention on the other hand is the process of creating something new that the market
has never seen. (2011, Tony).In invention, a company or firm takes an existing product, idea or
concept, modifies it or improves it and launches it back to the market.
In the context above we can consider the Airlines Industry which mostly deals with travelling
apart from other activities such as the sale of shares. This industry is associated with very high
incomes which unfortunately also come with very high expenses from fuel, constructions, labor
costs and also repair and purchase of equipments. Such an industry to integrate innovation, the
first and very essential step is to identify and choose the overhead leader of the innovation
process although the industry leader can best act as one. If they were to decide to choose one,
they should consider specific qualities in the leader such as being able to generate ideas ...

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