PSYCH 201 South University Impulse Control Discussion

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psych 201

South University



Impulse control can be defined as an inability to control the desire for a substance or act. The lack of impulse control is seen as a factor related to substance abuse but it is not the only factor. Research information on addictions and the two types of addictions (substance addictions and behavioral addictions). Choose one substance addiction and one behavioral addiction and answer the following:

  • Describe each addiction including potential genetic and environmental factors leading to the addiction. Describe the common symptoms, especially those that impact the person both physically and psychologically. Describe the common treatments for the disorders.
  • Explain why a person with an addiction may have a difficult time accepting he or she has an addiction, seeking treatment, and abstaining from the addiction without relapsing.

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Alcoholism (Alcohol Addiction) and Gambling Addiction
Alcoholism, commonly known as alcohol use disorder, is a substance abuse involving an
individual who cannot manage drinking habits. People struggling with addiction feel typical that
their body cannot function without consuming alcohol. Environmental and genetic variables
contribute to alcohol addiction. Notably, genetic vulnerability confers by multiple genes, which
are evident from gene-environmental interactions. Studies by Bodor (2016) reveal that a Met158
variant found in the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene has the potential of conferring
resilience and risk to alcoholism in various drinking environments. There exist some
environmental factors that increase the risk of developing alcohol abuse. For instance, peer
pressure from friends encourages regular drinking leads to alcoholism. Symptoms of addiction
include lapses in memory, tremors, and absenteeism. These symptoms have physical and
psychological effects such as poor health, attempts of suicide, and mental health issues.
Rehabilitation and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are the most common
treatments for the disorder.
Gambling addiction, commonly referred to as pathological gambling, entails maladaptive
traits of gambling behavior persistence in an individual regardless of negative consequences.
Vanes (2014) states that pa...

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