Waldorf University My Lai Massacre Synopsis

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Waldorf University


Write your synopsis with the following in mind: How do you explain the socialization process that leads ordinary young men to commit acts of murder such as what occurred at My Lai? Is socialization static, or is it ambulatory?

Vietnam War Documentary | Massacre in Vietnam (Links to an external site.)


Explanation & Answer:
600 words
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Explanation & Answer


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My Lai Massacre

Vietnam was a young nation that had just gotten its independence. Leadership wrangles
were a daily routine with divergent views on how the nation ought to be governed. The
Northern people supported communism while the Southern were greatly democratic,
stemming mainly from Western influence. Charlie Company learned of My Lai, a stronghold
of Viet Cong after land mines and sniper fires had killed their men from the American Troops
(Burns & Novick, 2016). Moments before My Lai entry, Captain Medina Ernest briefed his
men (Yu, 2019). He instructed them to annihilate My Lai. Lieutenant Calley William was
consequently put in charge of the horrendous mission that led to the death of unarmed
My Lai Massacre started on the sixteenth of March, Nineteen Sixty...

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