BBA 3361 Columbia Southern University Professionalism in the Workplace Paper

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Business Finance

BBA 3361

Columbia Southern University



This assignment provides you with an opportunity to complete three major items: a cover letter, a resume, and a professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. The cover letter should be a three-paragraph memo that has been tailored to a specific job that interests you. The resume should adhere to the steps outlined in the attachments. The details within the resume must be current with all relevant and up-to-date information. The SWOT analysis should address your professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Bullet points are acceptable for the resume and SWOT analysis; however, they must be detailed. Again, the cover letter must include three paragraphs. Also, the resume must be at least one page, and the SWOT analysis must thoroughly address each of the four parts of the analysis. Be sure to have the major items in the proper sequence: first, the cover letter; then, the resume; and finally, the SWOT analysis. Format each major item as you wish; however, be sure the details are professional and legible. Save all three within one word-processing document

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4 pages
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Professional Resume

Human Resource Manager
XXX Company
29191 Rolan Street, 3400
Houston Texas 29282-4291
Dear Sir
It is my pleasure to tender my application for the position of HSE specialist at your organization
following your advertisement in your website’s career section. The required qualification for this
job matches mine and am confident of coordinating the health, safety, and environment operation
effectively for your firm.
Academically, I attained a bachelor's degree with second class upper division in occupational
health and safety and also have five-year experience in coordinating HSE projects. My other
expertise is in the oil field and manufactu...

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