West Coast University Sampling Worksheet

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Health Medical

West Coast University


This week, you will determine the sampling methods for your theoretical research study and create a formal questionnaire.

  • Restate the research question you have chosen.
  • Identify your sample population and brainstorm questions that will illicit clear responses from your population based on your study question.
    • Write 3–4 paragraphs about your sampling methods.
    • Create a formal questionnaire with 15–20 questions.
    • The questionnaire should contain a proper survey introduction. The introductory paragraph should provide information on the topic of the study, its purpose, and include a confidentiality statement.
    • Use at least three different types of survey questions in the questionnaire. Some of the most common types are: close-ended, rating scale, Likert-type, multiple choice, rank order, and open-ended. 

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Sampling methods
A sample is a subset of a population that effectively represents its characteristics and can
be used in research studies (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The larger the sample size, the more
accurate the observations and conclusions regarding the population will be within the study.
Since the target population for the study is Class IV staffs who handle biomedical waste in local
hospitals, the best approach would be Purposive Sampling due to their low numbers and possible
challenges in accessing them.
Purposive sampling is reliant on the researcher’s judgment while recruiting respondents
to participate in a survey (Etikan, Musa & Alkassim, 2016). This provides him with the
flexibility to decide on how representative the sample eventually becomes over the course of the
fieldwork phase of the study. It is often popular when conducting qualitative researches or when
dealing with small populations that are hard to access....

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