Kansas State University Law Discussion

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Kansas State University


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Students must answer the question(s) using, in total, a minimum of 200 words. Formatting is fairly flexible: Students can respond to each question 1-separately, 2-using bullet points, 3-using numerical values, or in 4-paragraph/essay form. As long as the word count is not less than 200 words and proper sentence structure, spelling, and citations are utilized, I will accept any of the above mentioned four (4) styles. Module 1 1. Define Sutherland's 1939 definition of white-collar crime and demonstrate and understanding of the three (3) features of white-collar crime. 2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the twelve (12) systems related to white-collar crime and how they interact with one another. 3. Demonstrate competency in the six (6) main reasons to study white-collar crime and be able to articulate why the subject matter is impactful to society. Module 2 1. Identify and understand the two categories of white-collar crime as defined by Clinard and Quinney (1973). 2. Be able to explain/discuss the ambiguity of white-collar crime and what sources are most often utilized to retrieve data pertaining to these crimes. 3. Be able to define and discuss the most common types of consumer offenses. 4. Understand the public's attitude (overall) toward white-collar crime and the variances that exist amongst the populous. Be able to explain these differing opinions and why they may exist. Module 3 1. Be familiar with Sutherland's "white-collar criminaloid" definition and be able to articulate the components of it. 2. Define "natural law" and be able to identify why it is paramount as discussed in the context of white-collar crime. 3. Be able to discuss, in detail, Gary Green's take on occupational crime. Compare and contrast that definition with Sutherland's original theory. 4. Be prepared and able to discuss the characteristics of white-collar offenders. 5. Familiarize your self with the most common consumer complaints made to law enforcement.
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Explanation & Answer




White Collar Crime
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Module 1
Edwin Sutherland defined white-collar crime as a crime done by an individual of respectability
as well as high social status during their occupation (Payne, 2016). The three features of whitecollar crime comprise:

The offender holds a valid access to the victim or target of the offense on the basis of
occupational position.

The offender is spatially detached from the victim

The actions of the offender have a apparent appearance of legitimacy.

The twelve systems related to white-collar crime comprise:

The political system that is engaged in outlining rules and laws that outline all kinds of

Educational system that relates to white-collar crime as long as white-collar career
basically come out this system.

Religious system relates to white-collar crime in that it is viewed as supporting agencies
that have the capacity to avert wrongdoing.

Technological system signifies a setting wherein persons have diverse needs fulfilled.

Social system signify a setting wherein persons have various needs met a...

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