Exploring Job Boards, Module 01 Written Assignment help

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Health Medical


There are several work environments in the profession where a pharmacy technician can seek employment. In each environment both the pharmacist and the pharmacy technician have specific roles. Using the internet, do a search for pharmacy technician job listings.

Choose one pharmacy tech job posting from one of the work environments you learned about in your assigned reading. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) requires you to know the roles of both the pharmacist and the pharmacy technician. What are the job responsibilities of the pharmacist, and what are the responsibilities of the technician? What will your daily duties be?

Copy this job posting and paste it at the beginning of your assignment, and write a 1-2 page paper explaining the responsibilities of the pharmacy technician and the responsibilities of the pharmacist in the work environment described in the job posting you selected. Is this a position that you would consider once you have completed the program? Explain. Make sure your sources are cited.

Here is a list of some of the most common internet job boards:

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Explanation & Answer

the italicized parts may contain plagiarism. the quetion required me to copy and paste the informtion and tghen write about it.


Exploring Job Boards
Institutional Affiliation




The first job listing for a pharmacy technician is from Career builder.

Pharmacy Technician


Reports directly to the Pharmacist on duty, this position is within a rapid paced
environment with new duties and challenges assigned daily. A technician is required to work a
variety of schedules with multiple duties to include taking care of the customers, answering
phones, running the register, filling prescriptions, cleaning of the store and pharmacy, unloading
deliveries, data entry and placement of stock on shelves in Pharmacy (Career builder, 2016).

A pharmacy technician is a person w...

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