Park University Iconographical Analysis Sculpture Discussion

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Park University

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Discussion 5: Iconographical Analysis (Sculpture)

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Discussion 5: Iconographical Analysis (Sculpture)

Image result for nike sculpture bce

The Winged Victory of Samothrace, 200-190 BCE, marble, Louvre, Paris (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Please report on one sculpture made between 2000 BCE and 100 BCE. The work can, for instance, be an Egyptian, Greek, Buddhist, Roman or Native American sculpture. Your report should be at least 400 words, and should include these numbered sections:

1. Image: Post an image or link to your chosen work, with the MLA citation and URL to the source.

2. Material Data: Name the artist/designer (if known), date(s), current location or museum, materials used and size. Note its use(s) and any special production techniques utilized.

3. Formal Analysis: Describe your image according using at least four (4) of these categories: Line, Shape and Form, Space, Texture, Value and Light, Color, and Implied Movement (Time), Repetition, Variety, Rhythm, Balance, Compositional Unity, Emphasis, Economy, and/or Proportion. Since this work is in three dimensions, make sure to look at images of the same work from different angles.

4. [NEW] Iconographical Analysis: This section will require research beyond your readings. Examine the work that you chose and discuss its symbolism beyond its "natural subject matter". That is, first note exactly what you see depicted (the natural subject matter). Then, tell us what that subject matter means symbolically, within its own time, history, myth and culture. Try to relate the symbolism to the myths, philosophy, religion or ideas within its culture and time.

For more on this method see:
"Writing About Art: Iconography" (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

5. Personal Reflections: Why did you choose this work? What are its least and most attractive aspects to you?

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Iconographic Analysis
The Winged Victory of Samothrace is a statue that was created from multiple blocks of
marble. Also known as the Nike of Samothrace, the Hellenistic marble sculpture was adopted to
give an artistic representation of the Greek goddess of victory (Nike). Hamiaux, Laugier and
Martinez (Pp.2-6) explain that the winged Victory of Samothrace was created in the 2nd century
BC as a historical way of celebrating the naval victory acquired by the Greek soldiers. However,
Blanc, Blanc and Laugier (P.5) explain that the sculpture was officially discovered and
documented between 200 and 190 BC at the Island of Samothrace in Greece. Hamiaux, Laugier
and Martinez (Pp.2-6) reveal that the winged victory of Samothrace was created from marble as
the major material. To da...

Wxraavfu (34066)
Cornell University

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