Bergen Community College Story of My Life Discussion

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Bergen Community College


Story of my life

Explanation & Answer:
13 Pages
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Explanation & Answer


Running head: THE STORY OF MY LIFE

The Story of My Life




The Story of My Life
Every human being has a different story to share about themselves. Even
identical twins have different experiences in their lives despite them sharing identical
physical features. Just like every human being has a different set of DNA qualities, so
are the experiences that form an individual’s story. We all have unique stories that we
embrace to build individualism. In this paper, I intend to share my life story and tell the
different experiences that have molded me to be the person I am today.
My Childhood and Family
I am the firstborn in a family of six. I have three siblings, one brother, and two
sisters. The two girls in the family are the youngest and have always looked up to me as
their protector. I am so popular in their school and social lives because they feel like I
stand up for them more than anybody else. My father is a retired military officer, so he
was rarely at home while my mother is a retired registered nurse. She did her best to
take care of us and fill the parental void left by our father when he was on duty. As a
firstborn in the family, I felt the need to step up and help my mother in raising my
siblings. She was a wonderful parent and allowed us the chance to be children at our
time, but I still felt obliged to help her out. As such, I have become responsible for my
siblings, which explains the reason why they feel so close to me. My brother is my best
friend because we have practically lived our lives together. He knows everything there is
to know about me like I know everything about him. He is my confidant, and we rarely
My parents were flexible in their parenting and tried their best not to be overly
strict. We had an enjoyable childhood because our parents adopted the talk-it-out
approach to discipline rather than the authoritarian approach. As a result, I learned a lot



about discipline, that it does not have to be forced on a child; a child can learn to be
disciplined. At first, my father being a military man, had been a hardliner with discipline
and would shout and sometimes get physical with me as a way to discipline me.
However, this model of discipline was not working for me, and I started to rebel. I
remember at one time I ran away from home so that I would not have to face my
father’s wrath after fighting with a boy in school. I disappeared from home for a week,
and my parents had to file a missing person’s report with the local police. They finally
found me in a shelter for the homeless people, and I think this was a wakeup call for my
parents. A social worker had to intervene to help in bridging the gap that had been
created between my father and me. My father and mother took up counseling sessions
with me as they were advised on better ways of enforcing discipline without instilling
fear in their children. I like to think I was the prototype for their parenting skills because,
by the time the siblings started flowing in, they found a better-structured discipline
The family has always had very high expectations of me being the firstborn. In
school, I was expected to have high grades, and at home, I was expected to be the best
behaved. My parents have always expected me to act as the role model for my siblings.
I cannot count the number of times I have been blamed for one of my sibling’s
misbehavior. These are memories are both nostalgic and painful in equal measures. It
was nice knowing that I was supposed to be a role model, but boy, oh, boy! It was tough
being a pacesetter for three younger siblings and trying so hard not to falter in my step.



Family Activities
We have always been a close-knit family, and some of our extended family
members joked about it. They said that we operated like each other’s oxygen...

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