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1. Introduction
a. George Orwell's piece "Shooting an Elephant" presents dominant themes of conflict and
hatred. Orwell experiences inner battles with himself as he is torn between doing what he
knows is right and what the society and his line of work expects him to do.
b. Orwell, through his essay, explains that imperialism was an evil thing to both the
suppressor and the suppressed, and power comes with a price that the suppressor has to
pay to maintain it.
2. Why British colonized Burma
a. During the imperialist era, the British colonized Burma in search of power. Burma was
occupied by Indians who owned elephants for cultivation. The British colony took away
their lands, imprisoned the rebellious Burmese people, and made them slaves.
3. Meaning of Orwell’s statement
a. Orwell states that “When the white man turns tyrant, it is his own freedom that he
b. By this, he means that when the white man overpowered the native Indians, he lost living
in total control of himself. He lost his freedom as a free man, and from then, his deeds
were always determined by the natives.
Student 2
c. Orwell also means that when the white man started reigning in lower Burma, he became a
puppet. In the essay, Orwell shoots the elephant. However, in his heart, he did not want
to. He had asked for the rifle to protect himself.
d. However, when the crowd follows him, Orwell is forced to choose between being
deemed as a fool and weak and shooting the elephant and going against what he believes
is right.
e. The essay is filled with symbolism. The elephant is a symbolism of the Burma society,
which was once powerful like the elephant but was colonized and overpowered by the
British colonizers.
4. Conclusion
a. By stating that “When the white man turns tyrant, it is his own freedom that he destroys,”
Orwell tries to explain that imperialism was evil, and power comes with a price. With
power, resistance is inevitable.
I.D. Number
Project 3
Evaluation 33
ENGH 044 060 Twelfth Grade English 2
Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment)
when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D.
number at the top of this page!
Project 3 is worth 50 points. It is worth 12 percent of your course grade. For this project, you will
choose one option. A rubric is provided so you know how you will be graded and what is required.
Please look over the rubric as well as reading the comments it provides. Also, review the appendix
in this course for more about writing essays, thesis statements, paragraphs, MLA style, and
Cultural Analysis
In this project, you will examine the impact of cultural values and situations upon literature. You will
select one of the four questions. Whatever question you choose, develop a clear thesis and support
your position with examples from the text. Discuss the cultural issues in the work(s). Summarize the
positive and negative cultural impacts of the events described in the works.
Option 1
Compare a work from one of the World War I poets (Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon, or Wilfred
Owen) to Winston Churchill’s “Wartime Speech.” Based on these two works, do you think attitudes in
Britain changed between the time in which the poem was written and the time in which Churchill
gave his speech? If...