Question Description
I’m trying to study for my Health & Medical course and I need some help to understand this question.
How is your employer responding to your project?
Review your experiences of your Gemba with your instructor.
What internal and external data sources have you identified?
- What successes and challenges have you encountered requesting or accessing data?
- How is the data helping to narrow down to a viable, short-term executable project?
- What other challenges are you encountering?
- What are you doing to work around the challenges?
Explanation & Answer
let me know where you need further help
Running head: THE GEMBA WALK
Debra Saunders
Ed Paluch
With the quest to improve workplace standards, building more workrooms, use of better
methods in solving departmental conflicts, and providing better infrastructure to the employees,
my employer positively welcomed the Gemba Walk project. Apart from the long term schemes,
the short term proposals were also well received since they were vital strategies in ensuring
better service delivery. My employer instantly formulated some short term proposals like conflict
solution plans, organizing training programs for nurses and physicians on proper handling of
safety gears (Carter et al., 2016). He decided to establish an enabling for all health care
practitioners, more so building the nurse-physician relationship. Teamwork and nurse-physician
being one of the most noteworthy challenges that health care amenities face; such a move would
enable nurses to have a better perception of their roles and ensure they are satisfied with their
The use of Gemba walk guidelines regarding employers keeping close contact with their
working environment there was the need to en...