Woolfson Eye Institute Graphs FCPAs Facilitating Payment Exception Discussion

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Woolfson Eye Institute


Q1 -

Fiduciary - Supply chain management - Human capital


Pick a company like Walmart or Apple or Amazon or a clothing brand like Old Navy or a biopharma or food supplier where the majority of its distributed products are sourced or manufactured in third world countries. Very briefly identify the types of issues that could arise in their supply chain relating to human capital.  


Q2 -

FCPA - Does the FCPA’s facilitating payment exception have any real meaning in this new era of enforcement? If your answer is "no" it does not have any meaning, does your answer concern you?


Q3 -

FCPA - Respond to the following question. 

  1. A good client of your compliance company contacts you seeking advice regarding a trade show it intends to host in which the company’s product will be displayed. What specific questions are you going to ask the client so that you can provide the best advice?

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Explanation & Answer:
3 Questions
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Explanation & Answer


Trade Show Questions
When a company is hosting a trade show, for me to be able to advise correctly, I must
first find out where the location of the trade show is, this is to determine whether it is locally held
or conducted in a foreign location (Salbu, 1999). The second question I would ask is how many
parties are organizing the event? This would help me ascertain the role of the company in the
organizing of the trade show. Finally, I would ask the client whether there are any facilitation
fees it would have to pay and whether it has control over any third parties that it may use
(Koehler). This would help me determine the advice to give on the scope of its payments and
association with the third parties.

koehler, M. (n.d.). The Story of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. OHIO STATE LAW
JOURNAL, 75(5), 930-1013. Retrieved from Fcpa.stanfo...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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