Taft High School Child Development Child Abuse Discussion

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Taft high school


Crosson-Tower, C. (2014). Understanding child abuse and neglect. 9thEdition.

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CADV 310 Exam #1 Study Guide *Study the textbook, lecture slides/notes (including notes on videos), & chapter quizzes. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chapter 1: The Maltreatment of Children from a Historical Perspective Describe how children were viewed and treated throughout history in regards to abuse. Describe the Elizabethan Poor Law (1601). Define indenture. How have sexual values, attitudes, and exploitation changed over time? What are reasons for why incest is considered a taboo? How did the term "the battered baby syndrome" by C. Henry Kempe come about? How has the use of this term influenced how we treat child abuse? Describe the differences between penal/legal, medical/scientific, traditional social work and radical social work perspectives. Ted Talk: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime: What are ACEs? What are some health outcomes of childhood trauma that Dr. Harris discussed? Chapter 2: The Family: Roles, Responsibilities, and Rights How does our textbook define family? Define parts of the family system: subsystems, roles assigned to its members, and boundaries. Be able to describe cultural and ethnic differences (i.e., African-Americans, HispanicAmericans, Asian and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans) in family systems. Define family dysfunction. Chapter 3: Maltreatment and the Developing Child Which age range has a higher likelihood of abuse? Describe risk factors of child abuse before and during pregnancy. From birth to one year, what are some risk factors and outcomes of abuse? Describe common outcomes of abuse during: 4-8 years of age, 8-12 years of age, and adolescence. Describe the cumulative stressors model. Are protective factors helpful regardless of the number of stressors? Are brains of abused children different than those who are not abused? *I do not expect you to know the specific areas of the brain impacted. Ted Talk: When Child Abuse is Normal: What metaphor did Luke Fox use when describing his perspective of life growing up? What were some protective factors in his life? Chapter 4: The Neglect of Children • • • • • • • Which type of abuse is most likely to cause a fatality? What are categories of neglect? Be able to define all of them. What are different theories of the cause of neglect? Be able to describe each theory. How does neglect impact children at different stages of development (infancy, young children, school age, and adolescence)? What are Polansky and colleagues’ views on why parents are neglectful? How does substance abuse impact child neglect? Why are neglectful parents difficult to work with?
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Child abuse and neglect
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Child abuse and neglect
Chapter 1
Question 1
Child abuse has a long history. Presumably, they have been abused by their parents or other
people since the beginning of time. For several decades, children laws have neglected to protect
children from such acts. Under English common law, children were regarded as their father’s
properties, since their mothers were regarded as their husband’s property.
Question 2
Elizabeth poor law was enacted in order to deal with the poor. Each parish was required to
choose two overseers of the poor. The overseer would set a poor tax for their parish depending
on the need and then gather money from the landowners.
Question 3
Indenture is a binding and legal agreement, document, or contact between parties. In history, it
refers to a binding contract where a person would work for another for agreed period of time.
Question 4
There is evidence from several sources in U.S and U.K reports that overall trends regrading sex
values, attitudes, values, and exploitation against children have reduced since the 1990s, showing
an impact from several years of policy initiatives for violence and sexual prevention.
Question 5



Incest is regarded as a taboo as it prohibits sexual relationships between people who are closely
related. There is an inborn, instinctual aversion, which may reduce the adverse genetic impacts
of inbreeding, including greater chances of congenital birth defects.
Question 6
Battered child syndrome came about during the re-emergence of political and public concerns

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