Is Facebook Killing Our Souls Paper

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Based on your research, do you agree, disagree, or both agree and disagree with arguments Hipps makes in his article?

Essay 1: Summary/Response (Closely Modeled on Dr. Karen Cox’s assignment) Summary: Learning to summarize the ideas of others is an essential skill for college students. In brief (we will go more in-depth during the summary writing mini-unit), a summary is a condensed version of an article, essay, or story. This condensed version is written in your own words (also called paraphrasing). An effective summary should:

● Present the author’s thesis and key ideas (supporting points), omitting supporting details

● Be concise but still thorough (a reader should understand all key ideas of the text from beginning to end)

● Be accurate and objective

● Be paraphrased (though you may include limited direct quotations)

Response: Through the semester, we will spend time reflecting on the impact a piece of writing has on its readers. The impact may be a personal one (text-self); it may have broader social impact or global impact (text-world). Spending some time absorbing the various ways a text “matters” also helps readers draw connections between that text and others (text-text), between ideas presented there and elsewhere.

Writing Assignment: You will be writing a minimum 4 page evaluation essay for Shane Hipps’ “Is Facebook Killing Our Souls?” For this essay assignment you will both summarize and then evaluate through agreement or disagreement two points presented in his article.

Essay Question: Based on your research, do you agree, disagree, or both agree and disagree with arguments Hipps makes in his article?

Research Requirement: You must use at least one (independently found) scholarly outside sources (sources from peer reviewed academic journals). *If you use one from the pdf files I emailed to you, it will not count toward the independently found scholarly source. Personal evidence is limited to one response paragraph and will not count towards a researched scholarly source.

Please use the following five paragraph organization:

❖ In the introductory paragraph, open with a hook that explores the larger essay topic (individual human identity and social media). You should also provide appropriate context by introducing the article (include the author’s full name and the full title of the article) and offering a one sentence that paraphrases the author’s thesis. Finally, end your introductory paragraph by offering your readers direction through your own thesis that answers the essay question stating your response to the article.

❖ The second paragraph will be the summary paragraph. In this paragraph, you will summarize the article clearly and concisely. We will be working on this summary during our summary mini-unit, but do review the instructions above about summary writing.

❖ In the third paragraph, you will draft your 1st response. Here you will have a chance to state which of his points you agree with/disagree with and then develop your agreement/disagreement. *Yes, you will use a TEEAS frame for this response paragraph.

❖ In the fourth paragraph, you will draft your 2nd response. Here you will have a chance to state which of his other points you agree/disagree with and then develop your agreement/disagreement. *Yes, you will use a TEEAS frame for this response paragraph

❖ The final concluding paragraph should be thoughtful. Here you will need to give your audience a closing thought to ponder.

the article was is facebook killing our souls?

24 hours ago

Explanation & Answer:
4 pages
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Explanation & Answer


Topic: Is Facebook Killing our Souls?
Paragraph one: Introduction
Thesis: Facebook has negative effects on users who spend most of their time in it
Paragraph two: Summary of Shane Hipps main arguments.
Paragraph three: Response of Hipps’ first claims: uncontrolled use of Facebook results to
adverse effects such as less meaningful interactions and narcissistic behaviors
Paragraph four: Response of Hipps’ second claims: only able to see the benefits of technology
and chose to be ignorant on the negative effects from overusing new technologies such as
Paragraph five: Conclusion
Benefits of avoiding Facebook plus advise to teenagers like me on how to use Facebook

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Is Facebook Killing Our Souls?
Because of its fascinating features, Facebook is the most used social media website
around the world, although many people do not know its negative consequences. For one to sign
into Facebook, one is supposed to identify their real identity. This and many other features have
many people to get obsessed with this social media site since one can chat and connect with old
friends, share videos and pictures, and also check various updates from old folks and peers.
Nonetheless, there are numerous adverse effects associated with the use of Facebook. Facebook
has a lot of long-term impacts on people who frequently use it as a tool for communication and
social interactions. According to various studies and scholars, Facebook, and the entire social
media culture have resulted in a plethora of harmful effects on society. For example, Shane
Hipps, a pastor, and a public intellect presents thought-provoking arguments about various facts
of Fa...

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