Strayer University Marketing Manager Analysis Paper

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Strayer University


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NAME: INSTUCTOR: DATE: ASSIGNMENT 3 MARKETING – MARKETING MANAGER ANALYSIS DUE DATE: WEEK 7 Note: While representative of possible situations faced by the Brookly Nets, all scenarios in this assignment are fictional. REAL BUSINESS For a large discount retail store like Target and Walmart, it can be difficult to get the marketing mix just right for a given product. There are so many products in the store fighting for the attention of customers. There is also the challenge of helping the suppliers of each product maximize their profits while making sure the store is making money. With so many things to consider, working in marketing for such a large business can be a challenge. YOUR ROLE This week, you’ll be acting as a Marketing Manager in the sporting goods section. WHAT IS A MARKETING MANAGER? Marketing Managers are responsible for developing, implementing and executing marketing plans, either for an entire organization or for particular categories or products within the organization, in order to attract potential customers and keep existing ones. Their day-to-day tasks include managing and coordinating marketing and creative staff, leading market research to improve existing products and services, working with advertising agencies, and determining the best way to get products in front of customers. As a marketing manager for a discount retail store in Brooklyn, you have been asked to evaluate a marketing plan for basketballs to ensure that the 4 P’s of marketing are being applied well. Using your knowledge of the 4 P’s and the best approach to generating sales, you’ll take a look at a number of marketing recommendations and choose the approach that you believe will sell the most products. 1 BUS508: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE In the Marketing Analysis Presentation provided by your marketing team, you’ll see three different basketballs that need to be included in the product display on Slide 2. Each product has unique features. • Based on the information provided about the customers that shop at the store location on Slide 3, choose the basketball that you think will sell the most. Underline your selection: • Basketball 1 • Basketball 2 • Basketball 3 Explain the rationale for your decision. 2 BUS508: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS STEP 2: PLACE On Slide 4 of the Marketing Analysis Presentation, you’ll see the results of a survey that asked potential buyers about where they are most likely to purchase these products. • On Slide 4 of the Marketing Analysis Presentation, you’ll see the results of a survey that asked potential buyers about where they are most likely to purchase these products. Underline your selection: • Traditional Stores • Online Explain the rationale for your decision. 3 BUS508: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS STEP 3: PROMOTION Slide 5 of the Marketing Analysis Presentation shows three recommended advertisements, including a special deal promotion, for the product that is expected to sell the best. • Based on the information provided about the customers that shop at this store location on Slide 3, determine which promotional activity will sell the most product at this particular store. Underline your selection: • Promotion 1 • Promotion 2 • Promotion 3 Explain the rationale for your decision. 4 BUS508: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS STEP 4: PRICE Look at the pricing options available for each of the three products together on Slide 6. • Based on your knowledge of the Pricing Strategies discussed on pages 186-187 in the textbook, choose the option that has the best pricing mix for all three products. Refer to the customer information on Slide 3, if needed. Underline your selection: • Pricing Mix 1 • Pricing Mix 2 • Pricing Mix 3 Explain the rationale for your decision. Note: You should complete Steps 5 & 6 after reading the material in Week 7. 5 BUS508: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS STEP 5: BRAND & SALES PITCH The company that makes one of the basketballs is looking to rebrand the product. They have asked for your input on possible brands ideas. • First, read the Brand Vision statement which summarizes the goal for the new brand. Then, look at the logo, name, and tagline recommendations. Which of the two brand directions do you think best meets the goals of the brand vision? Underline your selection: • Brand Direction 1 • Brand Direction 2 Please support your decisions. • Second, write a 2-3 sentence sales pitch that you would use to try to convince someone to purchase this product. 6 BUS508: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS STEP 6: MARKET SEGMENTATION The marketing plan for the basketballs at the Brooklyn store has been in place now for four months, and the marketing team has assembled a report reviewing sales data and customer feedback for the last quarter’s basketball sales. Overall, the results are lower than you expected and you are concerned that your marketing and creative staff have not properly segmented your target customers. Remember, like many products in the marketplace, the basketball’s marketing campaigns must target two different groups of customers: (1) adults who purchase the item as a gift and, therefore, do not actually use the product; and (2) adults and teenagers who purchase the item for their own use and enjoyment. Both groups have different reasons and expectations surrounding the item in question, and those reasons and expectations will have significant impacts on the buyers’ purchasing decisions. • Review the five customer segments detailed on pages 194-195 of your textbook: Behavioral, Sociographic, Psychographic, Geographic and Demographic. Select one focus area of each segment that you feel is most relevant to the sale of basketballs at this store location. • Keeping in mind the 4 P’s, write 1-2 questions for each focus area that will guide your staff as they investigate these aspects of your campaign. Example: • Segment: Geographic • Focus Area: Neighborhood • Questions: What combination of marketing and media channels did we use to reach current and potential customers? How are we gathering information on where current customers live who purchased a basketball? 7 BUS508: CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS Market segmentation order to make decisions about who to sell their product to, arketers try to identify distinct groups of consumers with similar ants and habits who together form a "segment" of the market. ow it works arketing departments use strategy of market segmentation o find the potential customers who are most likely to buy a particular product, thereby increasing the chances of a successful product launch. They divide a broad group of consumers into subgroups based on many factors, including age, lifestyle preferences, location, family structure, household income, and occupation. This process NEED TO KNOW > Baby Boomers Section of population born between 1946 and 1964 > Generation X People born between 1966 and 1980 > Millennials Section of population born between 1980 and the early 2000s narrows down a potentially huge market into segments, allowing marketers to identify the ones more inclined to buy a given product. For example, after applying this strategy, a company trying to launch premium-price organic baby food realizes that instead of marketing to all women who have young children, it should aim its product at working mothers with children under six months, above-average incomes, and an interest in healthy eating. Defining market groups To establish different consumer groups, marketers create five segments and focus on each individually. Besides identifying groups by geography and demographics, marketers also explore psychology to ascertain how consumers behave, so that they gain a better idea of which products might appeal to which consumer groups. See also pp.258-261. "Market segmentation is a natural result of the vast differences among people." Donald Norman Behavioral Focuses on behavioral patterns when it comes to shopping. Understanding this helps marketers adapt campaigns to target specific groups. Potential focus areas include: > Brand loyalty > Regularity of purchases >Credit card usage >Typical expenditure > On- or offline shopping > Heavy product user
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Marketing manager analysis
➢ Step 1: product life cycle
➢ Step 2: place
➢ Step 3: promotion
➢ Step 4: price
➢ Step 5: brand & sales pitch
➢ Step 6: market segmentation


Marketing manager analysis





In the Marketing Analysis Presentation provided by your marketing team, you’ll see three different
basketballs that need to be included in the product display on Slide 2. Each product has unique features.
• Based on the information provided about the customers that shop at the store location on Slide 3,
choose the basketball that you think will sell the most.
Underline your selection:
• Basketball 1
• Basketball 2
• Basketball 3
Explain the rationale for your decision.

Basketball 2 is likely to sell more than the rest since it will meet the unique needs of the customers.
Unlike Basketball 3 that is designed for indoor use only, basketball 2 can only be used both indoor
outdoor. This feature is essential since it will enable customers to play either in outdoor or indoor
basketball courts. Additionally, basketball 1 is ideal for outdoor use only, making it unattractive to
customers who like playing outdoors. Compared to basketball 3, basketball 2 is cheap, and
affordable to most of the customers.




On Slide 4 of the Marketing Analysis Presentation, you’ll see the result...

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