UCSD Psychology Discussion

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University of California San Diego

Question Description

I don’t understand this Psychology question and need help to study.

we begin learning what psychology is really about and the primary issues of concern to psychologists. This is in contrast to how psychology is portrayed in the media. Discuss the difference between the science of psychology and what you see in pop culture (e.g. talk shows, self-help books, movies or other media).

Explanation & Answer:
95 words
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Explanation & Answer

Got carried away, sorry.

Psy Discussion
Reality vs. Media
During the last decades, Detective TV shows demonstrated an increased interest in
the use of psychology in their shows. They can have different roles according to the script
and the general plot of the show. However, profilers are cherished between scriptwriters,
because they can find clues and hints to follow from small leads, or making dangerous
juggling with the few data they have, while real profilers, for example, those working with
the FBI in Quantico are more like researchers and professors from any university. Most of
their work is academic, such as review evidence and answer the requirements of police
agencies requiring their ...

Fgryyvgn (5159)
UC Berkeley

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