Assignment 2: Adjustment Case Study, Psychology Assignment Homework Help

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Assignment 2: Adjustment Case Study Click the link above to submit your assignment. Students, please view the "Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment" in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 2: Adjustment Case Study Due in Week 8 and worth 230 points Go to NPR’s StoryCorps Website, located at Read two (2) articles that were published within the last two (2) months that focus on individuals with major adjustment issues. Next, use the textbook and the Strayer Library to research evidence-based strategies to help with adjustment. Consider strategies that relate to stress and coping, gender, stages of life, cultural and social issues, and health. When referencing the selected stories, please use this format:  Standard Reference Format: o Title of the story [Audio file]. (Year, Month Day). Retrieved from website url.  Example: A homeless teen finds solace in a teacher and a recording [Audio file]. (2014, March 7). Retrieved from  In-Text Citation Format: o The in-text citation for a selected story is an abbreviated version of the title and the year of publication. The abbreviation contains the first three words of the title.  Example: (“A homeless teen,” 2014). When referencing the textbook, please use this format:  Standard Textbook Reference Format: o Author's Name. (Date of publication). Title of the resource. Publisher information.  Example: Santrock, J. (2006). Human adjustment: 2007 custom edition. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.  In-Text Citation Format: o The in-text citation for the textbook is the author’s last name and year of publication.  Example: (Santrock, 2006). Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website. The two (2) article must be from within the last two (2) months. 2. Describe the major adjustment issues discussed in each story. 3. Examine at least three (3) evidence-based strategies from each of the selected articles that could help the individuals in each article enhance their adjustment skills. 4. For each article, recommend the evidence-based strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. Provide a rationale for your response. 5. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Each of your selected articles (2) is a source and your textbook should be used as a source. One additional academic source is required for a total of four (4) sources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:    Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length. Include a reference page containing APA-formatted references for all sources used in your paper. The reference page is not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:        Identify contextual variables (e.g., culture) that impact psychological adjustment. Define stress, stressors, and coping strategies, and contemplate their relationship to health and wellness. Identify and describe social psychological phenomena. Describe adult relationships, lifestyles, and issues of parenting and longevity. Identify gender differences and explore gender role stereotypes. Use technology and information resources to research issues in psychology. Write clearly and concisely about psychology using proper writing mechanics. Points: 230 Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F 1. Summarize Did not the two (2) identify and/or articles you summarize two selected from (2) articles the NPR selected from Website. the NPR Weight: 20% Website. 2. Describe the Did not major describe the adjustment major issues adjustment discussed in issues each story. discussed in Weight: 20% their story selection. 3. Examine at Incompletely least three (3) examined at evidence-based least three (3) strategies from evidence-based each of the strategies from selected the selected articles that articles that could help the could help the individuals individuals enhance their enhance their adjustment adjustment skills. skills. Weight: 20% 4. For each Incompletely article, recommended recommend the the evidenceevidence-based based strategy strategy that is that is best best suited for suited for the the people in people in the the selected selected articles. articles. Provide a Provide a Assignment 2: Adjustment Case Study Meets Minimum Expectations Fair Proficient 60%-69% D 70%-79% 80%-89% Insufficiently Partially Satisfactorily summarized summarized summarized two (2) articles two (2) articles two (2) articles selected from selected from selected from the NPR the NPR the NPR Website. Website. Website. Insufficiently Partially described the described the major major adjustment adjustment issues discussed issues in their story discussed in selection. their story selection. Insufficiently Partially examined at examined at least three (3) least three (3) evidence-based evidence-based strategies from strategies from the selected the selected articles that articles that could help the could help the individuals individuals enhance their enhance their adjustment adjustment skills. skills. Satisfactorily described the major adjustment issues discussed in their story selection. Satisfactorily examined at least three (3) evidence-based strategies from the selected articles that could help the individuals enhance their adjustment skills. Insufficiently Partially recommended recommended the evidence- the evidencebased strategy based strategy that is best that is best suited for the suited for the people in the people in the selected selected articles. Provide articles. Provide a Satisfactorily recommended the evidencebased strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. Provide a Exemplary 90%-100% Thoroughly summarized two (2) articles selected from the NPR Website. Thoroughly described the major adjustment issues discussed in their story selection. Thoroughly examined at least three (3) evidencebased strategies from the selected articles that could help the individuals enhance their adjustment skills. Thoroughly recommended the evidencebased strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. rationale for rationale for a rationale for rationale for rationale for Provide a your response. your response. your response. your response. your response. rationale for Weight: 20% your response. 5. Writing / Never uses Rarely uses Partially uses Mostly uses Consistently Support for explanations, explanations, explanations, explanations, uses ideas examples, and examples, and examples, and examples, and explanations, Weight: 5% evidence that evidence that evidence that evidence that examples, logically logically logically logically and evidence support ideas. support ideas. support ideas. support ideas. that logically support ideas. 6. Writing / Serious and Numerous Partially free of Mostly free of Free of errors Grammar and persistent errors in errors in errors in in grammar, mechanics errors in grammar, grammar, grammar, spelling, and Weight: 5% grammar, spelling, and spelling, and spelling, and punctuation. spelling, and punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. 7. Information Lack of In-text citations Partially shows Mostly shows Consistently Literacy / citations and / and references correct (or correct use of shows correct Crediting or lack of are given, but approximately in-text citations use of In-text Sources in reference not in APA correct) use of with matching citations with APA section and / or format. in-text references matching Weight: 5% citations don’t citations, with using APA references correspond to matching format. using APA listed references format. references. using APA format. 8. Information No sources are One (1) source Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or Literacy / used and / or is used and / or sources are sources are more sources Research quality of references are used and / or used and the are used and Weight: 5% sources are of poor quality. the quality of quality of the quality of unacceptable. sources is sources is sources is questionable. mostly good. good.
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Adjustment Case Study

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If You Don't Fight For Yourself, Ain't Nobody Else Gonna Do It for You
In this article, Tanya James describes her experiences while working in the mines. She was
introduced to the mine works by her mother when she was 17 after the death of her father. For her
survival and the survival of her beloved mother, she had to be tough in the rough environment.
This is majorly because, of the harassment that the women working in the mines got from their
male colleagues. The miners believed that the mines were no place for women and in case you
found one there, the she must have been in look out for men. For that matter, the women could be
even face sexual harassment as well as physical attack from coworkers. As a matter of fact, a
survey conducted in 1980 showed that 76% of the women had been sexually harassed with 17%
having experienced physical attacks.
Having worked at the mines for more than 20 years, Tanya James learnt to survive the hard way.
She even notes of a time when she was forced to hit a man with her knee who had proven so
adamant in making sexual advancements to her. By this, she earned respect for herself in the
mines as she kept up with her mother’s lesson "If you don't fight for yourself, ain't nobody else
gonna do it for you". Through her experiences and commitment in working at the mines, Tanya
James has finally earned herself ...

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