FIU Criminal Investigation the Art and The Science Book ?summary

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Florida International University


Criminal Investigation the art and the science book

1.Summary Chapter 8 one page

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Chapter Eight:

1. List and describe the four groups of people that most commonly become informants for law enforcement. 

2. List and discuss the advantages and benefits of using informants in criminal investigations.

3. What are the various motivations for becoming involved with law enforcement as an informant?


Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer


Chapter 8: Crime Scene Management
Crime scene management skills are necessary and vital in the collection and handling
of data during an investigation process to provide sufficient evidence for consideration in
court deliberations (Gehl & Plecas, 2016). Pieces of evidence emerging from a crime scene
give a picture of the exact event. The art and skill of evidence management in a crime scene
is a crucial skill that an investigator must learn.
The chapter discusses the process and phases of handling physical evidence to ensure
accuracy in the collection and preservation of physical evidence. The issue ranges from
taking notes, the security of the crime scene, management of evidence, and the scaling of
investigation. Thus, the chapter discussed critical issues concerning crime management, the
identification of evidence, location of evidence, the processes of evidence collection, its
protection, and the prop...

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