Classroom Scheduling
There are 2 main sections to this application; administration and generation. Administration would set
the rules, classes, professors, rooms and other settings and configurations for the application.
Generation would generate a schedule of professors teaching classes in given rooms given the rules and
Some items would need to evolve from semester to semester, while others would mostly remain
unchanged for longer periods of time.
Each semester, rules, classes, professors and other items may need to be copied from a previous
Classes, professors, and rooms are fairly straight forward. They just need creat/edit/update/delete
functionality. Classes may include the section for each class as an atomic item, or the class may have
sub items to represent the sections.
The administrator will assign professors to teach certain classes, so the classroom scheduling will be
combinatorial of Class/Professors X room X time.
The rules will need to be much more dynamic. Since rules have to be very flexible, it may need its own
rule language to be defined, or the design should include plug-ins to allow quick and easy addition of
new situations. Either way proper design patterns should be employed.
Rules have varying degrees of granularity to be applied. A rule may be that Teacher X does not want to
teach Class Z after 7pm on M/W/ or Fridays. The rule could also be relaxed to simply say that no teacher
should teach any class after 7pm on M/W/F.
Types of rules
Intra Class/Teacher/Room Rules
Intra Class/Teacher/Room Rules are rules that do not involve other combinations of classes, teachers
and rooms.
Examples of rules
Teacher X does not want to teach on M/W/F before 4, or on T/TH after 5
Inter Class/Teacher/Room Rules
Inter Class/Teacher/Room Rules are rules that do not involve other combinations of classes, teachers
and rooms.
Examples of rules
Teacher Y cannot teach 3 classes back to back
Class Z should not be at the same time as Class Y ( this may be a specific section or all sections )
Class Z should follow Class Y (this may be a specific section or all sections)
Teacher X and Teacher Y should teach on the same days or times preferable.
Rule weighting
Some rules can be relaxed if necessary, so a weighting system may need to be incorporated. An infinite
weight might indicate the rule has to be enforced and no schedule can ever violate this rule. A low
number would indicate that it’s not desirable, but we could allow this under some circumstances. When
comparing different schedules, a lower total weighted value would therefore be the more appropriate
Generate Schedule
When all the rules a given, the user can begin generating schedules. Since this will likely be a timeconsuming process the scheduler should likely save the state of a given job. That way if the process
needs to stop then it could restart where it left off. The administrator may want to be able to view
schedules that are created as the process begins running.
Stretch Goals
Distributed processing to speed the lookup through the search space
Containerization. Being able to spin up 50 servers to work in a distributed manner could help
solve the problem quickly.
Multiple users with different views and responsibilities. Some users may only be able to view
the completed schedule. Others may only be able to edit classes etc.
Software Project Management Plan
Team Members
Version: 1.0
Document Control
Change History
Change Date
Description of changes
Initial release
[Note change history doesn’t have to be stored with the document. Most version
control tools like SVN keep track of change history automatically. The comments
entered when checking in documents become the change history for the
document. However, even if your version control tool supports change history,
you make want to track a more detailed version here.]
Document Storage
This document is stored in the project’s SVN repository at:
Document Owner
Larry Smith is responsible for developing and maintaining this document.
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Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 4
Purpose and Scope ...................................................................................................... 4
Goals and Objectives................................................................................................... 4
Project Deliverables ................................................................................................... 5
Assumptions and Constraints ................................................................................. 5
Schedule and Budget Summary .............................................................................. 6
Success Criteria ............................................................................................................ 6
Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 7
Evolution of the Project Plan ................................................................................... 7
STARTUP PLAN ........................................................................................... 7
Team Organization...................................................................................................... 7
Project Communications ........................................................................................... 7
Technical Process ........................................................................................................ 8
Tools ................................................................................................................................. 8
WORK PLAN................................................................................................. 8
Activities and Tasks .................................................................................................... 8
Release Plan .................................................................................................................. 8
Iteration Plans .............................................................................................................. 9
Budget .............................................................................................................................. 9
CONTROL PLAN .......................................................................................... 9
Monitoring and Control ............................................................................................. 9
Metrics Collection ........................................................................................................ 9
SUPPORTING PROCESS PLANS ............................................................. 10
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Risk Management Plan ........................................................................................... 10
Configuration Management Plan ........................................................................ 10
Verification and Validation Plan ......................................................................... 11
1 Overview
1.1 Purpose and Scope
This section provides an executive overview of the project. It explains why the
project is being initiated and what can and cannot be expected from project. It may
also include any background or contextual information necessary for understanding
the project.
The purpose for the project explains the problem or opportunity the project will
address. The statement of purpose isn’t a statement of what you are doing (“we plan
to automate billing”), but rather why you are doing it (“The purpose of this project is
to streamline billing in order to save time, money and resources.”).
Project scope defines the boundaries of the project—what will and won’t be
included in the project. Defining project scope helps set expectations regarding what
can be expected from the project. The scope definition may also play a role in
evaluating requests for changes or new features. Project plans and estimates are
based on the scope definition. A request for a change that is outside the current
scope of the project can’t be accepted without a change in project scope.
Partial Example
A user’s guide and a system installation guide will be provided. One-on-one
personalized training isn’t one of the project deliverables.
1.2 Goals and Objectives
Goals and objectives define expected project outcomes. Goals are broad and
inspirational. Objectives are narrow and measurable.
Project goals generally related project outcomes to business objectives (reduced
cost, increased revenue, improved quality, etc).
A well-worded objective is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable,
Realistic and Time-bound.
Partial Example
Project goals:
1. Establish a mobile porthole for real estate data.
2. Create a mobile porthole that appeals to homebuyers as well as home
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Project objectives:
1. Create a database on homes offered for sale in a local area.
2. Create client software that allows access to the database from mobile
3. Create an interface that home sellers and their agents can use to enter and
update home data.
4. Extend mobile access to real estate data in the multiple listing service
1.3 Project Deliverables
This section lists the outputs of the project that are delivered to the customer.
Partial Example
The following items will be delivered to the customer on or before 1/1/2008:
1. Source code for both the client and server portions of the system.
2. User’s Guide
3. System Administrators Manual
4. Test Plan
5. System test Cases
6. Suite of regression tests
7. Data conversion program for migrating existing data to new database
1.4 Assumptions and Constraints
Assumptions are conditions, usually outside the control of the project team, that are
taken for granted. Project plans (i.e. estimates) typically depend on certain
assumptions being true. Assumptions that turn out to be false, may jeopardize
project success. In order to reduce project risk, the project manager may elect to
validate certain assumptions as part of the risk management process.
This is also a good place to document verbal promises or assurances given to you.
Constraints are limits or restrictions on freedom. Projects may have technical as
well as non-technical constraints. Priorities for schedule and budget can impose
non-technical constraints on a project. Restrictions on programming language or
delivery platform are examples of technical constraints that limit design and
implementation options.
Partial Example
1. The location API works on the test hardware.
2. A senior architect will be assigned to the project during the first 4 weeks.
3. The Unix server and RAID controller can be purchased and delivered by
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4. Facilities will provide private office space for 3 outside contractors for the
duration of the project.
1. The software must run on a Windows Mobile 6 device.
2. The database must be open source.
3. The software must be ready by 1/1/2008.
Note, the following is not a reasonable assumption for inclusion in this section: “We
assume that our group has the necessary skills and knowledge needed to complete
the project.” This might be something you are taking for granted, but it is not
something worth documenting in the project plan. The assumptions you want to list
here are those that are outside your control. Once the development team is
established, it is their responsibility to possess or develop the skills and knowledge
needed to complete the project. If there is a concern that the existing team doesn’t
have the skills and knowledge needed to complete the project successfully, add it as
a risk and develop a plan for mitigating the risk.
1.5 Schedule and Budget Summary
The schedule summary shows start and end dates for high-level activities ending in
major milestones or deliverables. Milestones are major events in the project life
cycle that are used to measure progress.
A Gantt chart is an excellent tool for visualizing the start and stop dates of major
scheduled activities.
The budget summary shows total project cost, possibly broken down into separate
categories for such things as salaries, equipment, travel, overhead, etc.
1.6 Success Criteria
Success criteria spell out what has to happen before the project can be considered a
success. Having explicit success criteria serve two purposes. First, during a project
success criteria help to focus attention on what is important. Second, at the
conclusion of a project (project closure) success criteria are used to assess whether
or not the goals and objectives of the project have been achieved.
To be effective in both of these endeavors, success criteria must be defined in a way
that is both quantifiable and verifiable.
For more advise on how to define the success criteria for a project, I recommend:
Success Criteria Breed Success, by Karl Wiegers. It is available on the web.
Partial Example
Total project cost does not exceed 20% of the post-requirements phase
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All high-priority use cases in the requirements specification are delivered
before May 15.
1.7 Definitions
This section should define potentially unfamiliar or ambiguous words, acronyms
and abbreviations.
1.8 Evolution of the Project Plan
This section describes plans for updating the project plan throughout the project.
Partial Example
Before the start of an iteration, the project plan will be updated to include a
schedule of detailed tasks for the upcoming iteration. At the conclusion of an
iteration, the project plan will be updated to include the actual effort for each
completed task.
Risk mitigation efforts will be evaluated at the start of each iteration. Severe
risks will be analyzed and added to the project plan as soon as they
2 Startup Plan
2.1 Team Organization
This section explains project roles and the authorities and responsibilities
associated with these roles. Lines of communication, authority and reporting
relationships are often shown with an org chart. If development team is known,
actual names can be associated with roles.
Partial Example
Project Manager:
The project manager is responsible for creating the project
plan (with input from those doing the work), managing
risks, running the weekly team meeting and providing
monthly status reports to senior management.
Programmers (3):
Programmers are primary responsible for coding and unit
testing modules. They are also expected to take part in
architecture planning and review meetings.
Build Coordinator:
The build coordinator is responsible for setting up,
running and distributing the results of the nightly build.
2.2 Project Communications
This section contains the project communications plan. The communications plan
describes how information is gathered and distributed.
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2.3 Technical Process
This section describes the software development methodology or conventions the
team agrees to live by. When following an organization standard process, this
section will refer to the standard process and state any deviations that are planned
for this project. In the absence of an organization standard process, this section will
define planned phases, entry and exit criteria for each phase, major milestones,
workflows, and other aspects of the proposed development process.
2.4 Tools
This section specifies the development tools the team will be using to perform their
Partial Example
• Programming Language – Java
• Version Control – source code and written artifacts will be stored in a
Subversion repository.
• Defect tracking – defects and issues will be tracked using Bugzilla.
• Build tools – local and main builds will be done using CodeMake.
• Automated testing – unit tests will be implemented with the JUnit
testing framework.
3 Work Plan
3.1 Activities and Tasks
A work breakdown structure is an excellent tool for identifying a complete list of
Depending on the needs of the project, some or all of the following attributes will be
recorded for each task:
Task name
Task Description
Effort estimate
Actual effort
Planned start and stop dates
Actual start and stop dates
Dependencies among other tasks
3.2 Release Plan
For day-to-day project management the release and iteration plans (described in the
next section) are probably the two most important project management artifacts.
The release plan lists expected completion dates for major milestones and delivery
dates of key work products. The project’s technical development process to a certain
extent will dictate the choice and timing of milestones and deliverables. For
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example, projects following the Rational Unified Process will have four major
milestones: life-cycle objectives, life-cycle architecture, initial operation capability,
and product release.
3.3 Iteration Plans
An iteration plan is a short-term fine-grained plan that shows the tasks to be
completed during an iteration.
3.4 Budget
The project budget is the projected cost of the project as a function of time. At any
point in the project you should be able to say how much money has already been
spent and estimate of the amount of money needed to complete the project.
4 Control Plan
4.1 Monitoring and Control
Include in this section plans and procedures for tracking progress and controlling
performance. Included here will be the approximate dates of technical as well as
managerial reviews. Typically each major milestone or project phase will end in a
For projects that don’t have a separate communication plan, this section may also
include information on the timing and content of status reports and other project
review documentation.
Partial Example
5/15/2008 –
Team meeting. Project participants report status, progress and
potential problems.
Critical Design Review. Formal inspection of product
Executive Review. The project manager presents current
project status to project sponsor and senior executives.
4.2 Project Measurements
Product and process measures support project management and estimation by
analogy. At the beginning of a project, estimates are made for product size, project
cost and delivery dates. During a project, progress is tracked with measures of
actual effort, integrated lines of code and actual expenditures. Keeping track of
estimates and actuals during a project helps to calibrate whatever technique is
being used to make estimates. Storing project performance data on completed
projects provides a rich source of data for estimating future projects.
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Record effort estimates for product features
Record effort estimates for scheduled tasks
Update effort estimates for product features
Update estimated dates in release plan
Record actual effort for scheduled tasks
Record actual effort for product features
Record LOC count for modules written
Record the rate at which errors are found.
Archive project performance data in process
database. (See process database definition for a list
of measures to record.)
Record defects found from integration testing
through first year of release.
Assign each defect to one of the following categories:
blocker, critical, major, minor or trivial. Keep track of
the state of each defect: open, assigned, fixed, closed.
5 Supporting Process Plans
5.1 Risk Management Plan
Identify technical and managerial risks. Prioritize risks. Consider the probability of
each risk turning into a problem and the likely consequences. For the highest
priority risks, what actions will be taken to minimize the probability of the risk
turning into a problem and the resulting consequences? What are the contingency
plans for selected risks that do become a problem? Identify processes for
monitoring risks and updating the risk management plan.
5.2 Configuration Management Plan
Configuration management plans for this document and other baselined work
products including review procedures and change management procedures.
Partial Example
1. All work products will be stored in a centralized CVS repository running on a
central server.
2. The naming convention for documents will be: NNN-VVV.suffix where NNN
is a mnemonic that reflects the function of the document, VVV is a 3 digit
version number, and 'suffix' is the standard/normal suffix for the document
type. For example, the second version of the requirements document created
as a Microsoft Word document might be labeled: REQ-002.doc.
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3. All project (work products) items (documents, source code, test cases,
program data, test data, etc) will be stored in the CVS repository but not all
will be under change control (subject to formal change control procedures.)
Only the system requirements, project plan and source code will be baselined
and under configuration control.
4. Items that are subject to change control will be considered baselined after a
group review at the end of the life cycle phase during which they are created.
Baselined here means that the product has undergone a formal review and
can only be changed through the prescribed change control procedures.
5. The change control procedure once a product is baselined is: (1) anyone
wanting to make a change to a baselined item sends an email to the rest of
the group describing the change, reason for the change, expected impact, and
timeline for integrating the change. (2) if no one responds to the group
within 2 days with a reason for why the change request shouldn't be
permitted, it will be considered accepted and the person proposing the
change may proceed with the change. If anyone does object to the change, the
reason for objecting will be discussed at a meeting where everyone is invited
to attend and voice their opinion. At the end of the meeting a democratic vote
will be held to decide whether or not the change should be allowed.
6. Including a change history with all documents is encouraged but only
required for baselined documents. The change history should be at the front
of the work item and include: (1) the name of the person making the change,
(2) brief description of what has changed, (3) reason for the change, and (4)
the date the change was integrated.
5.3 Verification and Validation Plan
The verification and validation plan defines what actions are being taken to assure
the quality of the development process and resulting software products.
Partial Example
The Verification and Validation plan is specified as a separate documented
located in the version control system at:
5.4 Product Acceptance Plan
The product acceptance plan defines what is acceptable in terms of product quality
and product functionality. Acceptance criteria should be objective and measurable.
Note product success is one aspect of project success. Teams wanting to establish a
clear understanding of what will be considered acceptable project performance may
want to define a more general plan for project success that includes quantitative
goals for delivery date, cost, etc.
Partial Example
The Verification and Valida
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