Divine command theory

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Prince George's Community College


In 500 words or more (no less), explain how one might apply the meta-ethics of Divine Command Theory to an egoist theory, a consequentialist theory, and a deontological theory. You may use examples, but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition of each, with commentary. You may use any scholarly source other than a dictionary, to include online video lectures. You may use Wikipedia as a starting point, but be aware that Wikipedia is not a scholarly source and therefore can never be quoted in your paper or counted as 1 of your 5 bibliographic citations(Internet encyclopedia of philosophy, Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy, Google scholar, The philosopher's index, PhilPapers, Microsoft Academic, BASE, or Mendeley). You will need to include inline citations in your essay (last name, date, pg#) and must still cite any sources beyond the five required that you use to write your paper in the references section of your essay. If you include an inline citation, there must be a corresponding entry in the reference list or bibliography. Use APA citation format.

You are required to submit a separate annotated bibliography. Using the resource center and the scholarly research tools I listed in the course introduction, for your research. With that information, create an annotated bibliography with 5 sources (same as the ones listed above) related to the ethical theory of the week (Divine command theory).

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Explanation & Answer

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Divine Command Theory




Application of Divine Command Theory in other Ethical Theories
Divine command theory is a meta-ethical theory that believes that an action is moral if it
is commanded by God (Simpson, 2016, pg. 4). According to Simpson, 2016, pg. 12, meta-ethics
is the branch of ethics that explains the nature of ethical attitudes, properties, statements, and
judgments. Egoism theory views that people often pursue their self-interest and no person must
influence the interest another (Baugher, 2017, pg. 3).
The consequential theory considers morality as producing the right kinds of overall
consequences. And the deontology theory emphasizes on the relationship morality and duty in
human actions (Kar, 2016, pg. 22.). In this sense, this paper discusses how the meta-ethics of
Divine command theory is applicable to these ethical theories.
One can apply the meta-ethics of the Divine command theory to the egoist theory to
understand how people ought to behave. Ethical egoism believes the best way to promote the
general good is by encouraging everyone to pursue their interest. In this sense, the meta-ethics of
Divine command theory supports ethical egoism because people ought to follow God's
commandments. Simpson, 2016, pg. 20 argue that Divine command theory asserts that God's
commandments determine moral values. Although ethical egoism encourages people to adopt
individual behavior, a person may choose to behave according to the will of God.
According to Baugher, 2017, pg. 30, ethical egoism doesn't require moral agents to
interfere with the well-being and interest of others. In this sense, a person can acquire moral values
that God recommends, without any influence. For example, a person doesn't need to believe in
God to enjoy freedom (Johnson, 2017, pg. 6). However, a person must comply with the law to
enjoy freedom. In this regard, the Divine comma...

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