University of Toronto Posthumous Son Chinese Literature Essay

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University of Toronto


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Reader’s Response 2a CHIN 3062 MAR. 1, 2020  Reading Response 2 due by 11 p.m., Mar. 1, 2020 (On Brightspace)  Length: Three paragraphs/sections, one to one and a half pages, single-spaced. Font 12; Times New Roman.  Word File. Question  How does the story “A Posthumous Son” show that “the birth of a son is an important business”?  Your answer must display comprehension, reflection, and application. Outline  Paragraph 1: Comprehension  Paragraph 2: Reflection  Paragraph 3: Application Paragraph 1: Comprehension  You need to demonstrate that you have a good understanding of the story.  You need to show a deep and personal understanding of the story.  You need to give specific examples and quotes from the story.  Focus on the comprehension at this point. Paragraph 2: Reflection  Here you may talk about how you FEEL about the wife’s situation, and the way she was treated, and perhaps the way they treated the concubine.  Your response should be insightful, original and complex. Here is your chance to voice your own opinion on the issue.  As always, you need to substantiate your argument with details and/or examples. In other words, you need to provide a detailed explanation as to why you think/feel this way. Paragraph 2: Reflection  “Insightful” means a deep understanding. “Original” means it is your own original idea based on who you are, your unique experience and personality. “Complexity” comes from different angles from which you look at the issue. Try to analyze the issue from various perspectives. Paragraph 3: Application  Question for this paragraph: Do you think that gender discrimination still exists in Chinese culture or other cultures today? Explain why.  You may discuss different forms of gender discrimination in today’s societies/cultures, Again, you need to elaborate on your claims, that is, to support your arguments with details and examples. Focus (all three paragraphs)  This applies to all three paragraphs, or your entire essay. Your writing should be clear and focused. It should have a strong flow of ideas. Every sentence serves a purpose. Your response should be fully developed with examples and details. Elaboration (all paragraphs)  Your response is supported with strong supporting details and examples. For paragraph one, you need to provide details and examples from the story. For paragraph two, you need to provide detailed explanations for your reflection. You need to explain clearly why you think so / why you feel this way. For paragraph three, you need to provide details and examples from the world / life around you. References & Citations  Please include references at the end of your essay.  Please also provide in-text citation information. Please refer to the web site below for the rules on in-text citation: g_and_style_guide/mla_in_text_citations_the_basics.html  For the in-text citation, usually you would include the author’s last name and the page number at the end of the citation, e.g., (Ye 23). In this paragraph, however, you may put the page number in parenthesis, e.g., (23), at the end of the in-text citation, since we know who the author is and which text you are citing in this section. References  Ye Shao-jun, “A Posthumous Son,” translated by Bonnie S. McDougall, pp. 22-30, in Lau, Joseph S. M., and Goldblatt, Howard, The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature, 2nd ed. (New York: Columbia UP, 2007. Print.)  /mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_in_text_citations_th e_basics.html 
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A Posthumous Son
In the story “A Posthumous Son” it is clear that “the birth of a son is an important
business” which was made clear in a plethora of different ways throughout the novel. In the
story, it seems as though the wife’s only hope in her life is to give birth to a son and her life
greatly depends on it. Hence, if the wife doesn’t give birth to a son a ton of pressure is placed on
the wife’s shoulders. There are even times where society might make the woman feel as though
she is useless if she cannot give birth to a baby boy. The novel offers glimpses into the life of the
woman and how the neighbors and family friends look down upon her for not being able to give
birth to a boy, even after seven times of trying. It is even said in the novel that the wife’s body is
not functioning properly since she is only capable of bearing girls. (Ye Shaojun, 23) Thus, the
husband might even look into getting a concubine or another woman in hopes of having a boy to
continue the family name or bring wages and wealth to the family...

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