Black Literature in Latin America Paper

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Write a paper on Black Literature in Latin America.

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Explanation & Answer


Black Literature in Latin America - Outline
Thesis statement: These literary works present different issues about African relating to their
struggles, identity and race.
I. Several black Latin American literature, therefore, reveal the struggles that these Africans
encountered in the foreign lands
II. The story Nineteen Thirty-Seven is one of the black Latin American pieces of literature
that presents the struggles that many African encountered in the areas outside their
III. Another issue that Africans faced outside farce and which is conveyed in the black Latin
kinds of literature is dislocation and alienation.
IV. Several pieces of literature convey the negative relationship between the whites and
African's characterized by feelings of white superiority and alienation of Africans
V. Another issue that Africans faced and which is conveyed in various pieces of black Latin
America literature is their contributions and critiques
VI. Most of the black literature in Latin America convey the contributions that Africans made
in the respective areas they lived

These black literatures in Latin America conveys the power of the black people.


Having gone through the different black kinds of literature in Latin America, I think
that these pieces of writing are essential in helping Africans to understand their past
and appreciate the steps that they have realized.

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Black Literature in Latin America
From the 14th to 18th Century, a good population of Africans arrived in various places of
the world, including Latin America, Caribbean countries, America and even Europe. These
Africans faced several issues in these regions that affected their lives both directly and indirectly,
such as discrimination and racism. These movements and transfer of Africans to this region were
also transformational. It led to the interrelationships between Africans, Native Americans and the
whites leading to demographic changes that would define the areas many centuries after that. It
is, however, true that the stationing Latin America was different from other parts of the western
world and Europe. Africans were not only slaves in this region, but they also enjoyed some
degree of freedom that never existed in other parts of the western world where African had even
moved. By the beginning of the18th century, good population blacks in Latin America were free
men and women making significant contributions in their societies. Many black Africans, for
instance, has gained considerable knowledge and education and began writing focusing their
attention on the experiences that black people had in Latin America and other places of the
world. Black literature in Latin America refers to various pieces of literally work writing by
authors of African descent who lived in the region during and after the end of slavery. These
literary works present different issues about African relating to their struggles, identity and race.
To understand various issues presented by black Latin American literature, we are going
to analyze multiple pieces of literature written by different African authors. Africans who found

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themselves in other parts of the world outside Africa during and after slavery faced severe
struggles in the lives which are presented in several pieces of literature. The movements of
Africans to other parts of the content, including Latin America, was motivated by slavery as
these regions required slaves to work in their plantation. Africans were viewed as sub-humans
because of their color and subjected to servitude. This was not an easy life. Most of Africans and
their descendants had to struggle with thorny and sometimes life-threatening situations. They
were subjected to demanding and harsh conditions outside Africa which they had to overcome to
Several black Latin American literature, therefore, reveal the struggles that these Africans
encountered in the foreign lands. The story Nineteen Thirty-Seven is one of the black Latin
American pieces of literature that presents the struggles that many African encountered in the
areas outside their homelands. This story by Edwidge Danticat shows the incarcerations life that
Africans faced in the lands of Haiti. Following the experience the character named Josephine and
mother, the story reveals the struggles that African who migrated to Haiti to work on the
plantation faced. Josephine's mother is sentenced to life imprisonment after being charged with
dabbling in the occult (Danticat). She, therefore, has to cope with the stressful life in prison
without fair trial and only hope that one day her freedom will come knocking. This is the
situation that most Africans faced outside Africa. Many Africans had to endure unfair
imprisonment and detentions in prisons in foreign lands. In America, for example, many African
were arrested based on allegations and for minor offences. They were then subjected to harsh
situations the filthy prison cells. Some were lucky to survive while others died. Josephine's
mother is an example of those unlucky Africans who died in prison in foreign lands. She is
reportedly beaten to death by the prison officer after developing an infection that the officers

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deemed incurable (Danticat 449). The nature of treatments that are given to women inmates in
this story reveals a deep struggle, for instance. They force women prisoners to pour ice water on
each other at night (Danticat 450).
It is also true that Africans also had to struggle to uphold their cultural beliefs and
practices. As African found themselves into slave land in the west, everything about them was
considered inferiors and barbaric. African religion was not defined as a religion by the whites but
was seen as magic. Africans, therefore, were often forced to drop their cultural beliefs, values
and adopt those of the whites. Those African who wanted to preserve their heritage had to
struggle and often found themselves in trouble. This kind of struggle is presented in the nineteen
thirty-seven. Josephine's mother is an example of African who landed in problems because of
their efforts to practice African cultures. She is accused of performing magic that resulted in the
death of a neighbor’s child while she was just performing the usual rituals that she inherited from
her mother and which were part of the African cultures. In the story shivering, Adiche also
conveys how African living in America had to keep their religion secret and live solitary lives
through character Ukamaka who for the first time le...

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