University of Nairobi Nursing Paper

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University of Nairobi


Written Assignment-Otitis Media

An 8-year-old girl comes to your ambulatory care clinic with complaints of left ear pain for the past 3 days. She had respiratory infection a week ago. On physical examination, the tympanic membrane is bulging.

Answer the following questions:

What else should you ask the client?

What teaching would you reinforce to prevent the recurrence of otitis media?

What expected outcomes would be specific to this situation?


A nurse at the local Senior Center made the following notation about a client: A 74-year-old female client wearing eyeglasses with bifocal lenses and hearing aid in her left ear. Walks with a shuffling gait, using a cane for support. Wearing house slippers and housedress. States, "My other doctor says I should have my eyes looked at by an expert. It's been a while, and my eyes seem to be acting up lately. I can't see so good anymore." The client states that she takes medication for "sugar" and her blood pressure and has worn glasses for years with the last prescription changed about 3 years ago. "I was a seamstress for many years and quit when I couldn't see to thread the needles anymore-just in time too. These new materials are too hard to work with!" Denies using any eye drops. Describes vision changes as difficulty seeing well at night, especially if trying to read. Uses a magnifying glass to help when reading. No eye pain or discharge, although eyes sometimes feel "dry and scratchy," with the left eye being worse than the right. Admits to rubbing eyes but without relief.

  1. Develop a Plan of Care for this patient that includes:

2 Nursing Diagnosis

  1. 2 goals for each Nursing Diagnosis

Interventions with rationales

Explanation & Answer:
12 pages
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Explanation & Answer



Otitis Media Case Study




The eight-year-old girl had been physically examined and seen to have a bulging
tympanic membrane. This could be a case OM- Otitis Media, which is a type of ear infection.
To confirm the case, I would ask the parent if the child has been complaining of feeling pain
in the ear because Otitis Media infection is accompanied by a lot of pain and irritability in the
ear. Other signs I would ask about are headache and neck pains, which are reflexes caused by
the infection. The girl is also most likely to be having sleepless nights due to the discomfort
in the ear. I would also ask if there have been noticeable fluid coming from the ear, which is
also a sign of the infection. Since the girl is young, she is likely to be crying a lot and pulling
on the ear. A fever is also expected to be present and vomiting. After asking about these
symptoms, I would also carry out a hearing test, carry out a reflectometry test to confirm if
there is fluid in the girl’s ear. These signs present or even a good number of them would
mean the girl is suffering from Otitis Media.
After giving treatment to the patient, there are a few things they should observe to
ensure the infection goes away and does not recur. Some of these measures to be followed
include; washing of hands and toys regularly to prevent any risk of diseases, get the child
vaccinated for infections such as seasonal flu and pneumococcal; also they should avoid
exposure to high pollution levels and cigarette smoke, even the child should be kept away
from allergy triggers if the child has any allergic reactions. Other teachings I would instill to
the guardian are home-based care for the infected ear. They include; placing a warm, clean
washcloth on the ear, which helps to ease the pain and the discomfort in the ear, and I would

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