Hi guys, I represent Studypool!
We're looking for a writer to write a 500 - 700 word blog post about how to make money by tutoring at Studypool, and why Studypool is so awesome from a tutoring perspective.
To iterate this will be an official blog post, posted on other websites. It should be written as a news/blog/article piece (not as a school assignment). Remember to be casual and personalize your writing.
Here are examples of blog posts that you should emulate:
- *I'll provide further instructions once selected
Explanation & Answer
How Apps Can Improve Your Finances! Apps are good for more than the occasional game of Candy Crush. They can be used to manage your finances and can even help you make some money. Here are my favorite apps of the week. Manage your Money!
When it comes to managing a budget, I feel like I have tried every trick in the book. I started with the envelope trick. This is where you write down different categories (i.e. travel, school, rent expenses) on envelopes and allocate your cash to each one. From there, you would use only the cash in those envelopes for your expenses. There are major flaws in this strategy. First: cash is a hassle. Second: If you are prone to losing things, it might not be ideal to carry around envelopes of cash in your purse. My other strategy when it came to managing a budget was using Excel. It seems so easy at first with all the Budget templates to choose from, but soon I realized what a pain this method was. I went from updating the information in my budget every night, to every other ni...