What is the main argument/point of the documentary? (1-2 paragraphs) Connect the content of the documentary with at least one term, concept or theory from course materials. (1-2 paragraphs) What is your personal response to the film? (1-2 paragraphs)

User Generated



Waldorf University


Watch the documentary Stanford Prison Experiment

Answer the following questions:

  • What is the main argument/point of the documentary? 
  • Connect the content of the documentary with at least one term, concept or theory from course materials.
  • What is your personal response to the film?

Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer

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The Stanford Prison experiment happened to be a behavioral psychology examination
that aimed at investigating the psychological influence of discerned power, targeting on the
struggle between prisoners and guards. This experiment got conducted by Philip Zimbardo, a
professor from Stanford University, to find out whether the cruelty reported among American
prison officers as a result of the vicious personalities of the prison officers or was because of the
prison environment.
Zimbardo carried out this experiment with willing participants, who were middle-class
college students. A study got conducted on the subject’s family backgrounds, social behavior,
and physical and mental health histories and considered normal. The subjects then got divided
into two groups, the prisoners and guards. According to the experiment, the guards started
humiliating and psychologically exploiting the prisoners in the first 24 hours of the test. The
prisoners, in succession, became submissive and depersonalized, taking the exploitation
unprotestingly. The behavior of the involved subjects became so intense that the experiment
meant for two weeks got ended after six days.
Zimbardo’s experiment uncovered how social characters could affect our behavior. The
argument drawn from this study was that circumstances could bring out the worst in individuals.
Therefore, social identity is a highly authoritative motivation source, and it is probably more
influential compared to situational factors. It is like...

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