Debate "Should the Fed respond to the Coronavirus?"

User Generated



ECO 3351

Troy University



Should the Fed respond to the Coronavirus?

1. Write a Op-Ed taking a side on this issue. 

Here are some articles and videos on what certain prominent figures think the Fed should do in its response:

President Donald Trump: (Links to an external site.)

Senator Elizabeth Warren: (Links to an external site.)

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell:  (Links to an external site.)

Here is Jerome Powell's press conference explaining his decision to reduce interest rates in an effort to combat the negative economic impact of Coronavirus:

Fed Chair Powell on interest rates cut to combat coronavirus outbreak impact – 3/3/2020 (Links to an external site.)
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Here is a great podcast interview with one of my favorite economists, Scott Sumner, where he discusses how the Fed should respond to Coronavirus: (Links to an external site.). The first 15-20 minutes should be sufficient. 

Finally, here's an article from my friend Dr. Jim Caton from American Institute for Economic Research that outlines the difficulty for monetary policymakers in combating negative supply shocks. I'll also have an article that should be posted sometime soon responding to Elizabeth Warren's call for the Fed to make loans to affected companies.

Explanation & Answer:
700 Words
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Explanation & Answer

here is the final paper.I sent it early enough to give you time to work on part B.Go through it and in case of anything, feel free to alert me.Regards


Coronavirus Debate

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Currently, the world is under the threat of the Coronavirus. Issues and news concerning
the Coronavirus are one of the significant debates spreading on the street right now over the
world. The debate majors on whether Federal Reserve should hold an emergency response to
reduce and cut interest rates to address the coronavirus stock market crash? Following the
description of the impacts and spread of the Coronavirus on the people and the whole economy,
there is a need for an immediate response to address it. In my opinion, the Fed should create an
immediate response to the Coronavirus for the health issues and the wellbeing of the citizens.
The Coronavirus could have wide-reaching effects on e-commerce, sporting events, travel,
technology, and the economy as a whole. ...

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