persuade people to join literacy classes, Communications Assignment Homework Help

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Assume that a friend has asked you to help her in developing a series of messages to persuade people to join literacy classes and to learn to read. The messages will take the form of a public speech or radio and television public service announcements. Use Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy to construct five different messages, each of which focuses on how learning to read can help people fulfill one of Maslow’s basic needs. You do not need to create a speech; simply describe what the message will be and discuss which need it is based on. Post your five messages.

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Explanation & Answer




Maslow’s hierarchy
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs includes five major stages namely
1. Self-actualization
2. Esteem
3. Social
4. Safety
5. Psychology

Conferring to Maslow, self-actualization characterizes growth of humans toward contentment
of the maximum desires.
When one works hard, he/she should get a reward in return for instance a job promotion. On
the other hand, when one works/reads hard in school he/she expects to get better grades in
When one explores various options in his/her studies, for instance one could choose to go for
a ma...

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