Proposal for 3 week eLearning Course (2 to 3 pages)

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Kaplan University


For your Course Project, you will design a 3-week eLearning course on a platform of your choice. This 3-week eLearning course might be a self-contained course where participants start and complete it within the three weeks, or it might be three weeks of a longer course. In either scenario, you will design three weeks of course that is delivered entirely electronically. You will use the ADDIE model to guide you through the stages of instructional design. In this first module you are applying the “analysis” phase of ADDIE, where you will analyze the needs of the potential eLearning course participants.

Propose a 3-week eLearning course, including the context, content, and possible learning management system (LMS) of the course. See the list of possible LMSs posted by your instructor in the Class Café. You will provide background on how the ADDIE model will guide your development, analyze the potential eLearning participants’ needs and characteristics, and evaluate the eLearning course in context of mobile learning.

To prepare:

View the ADDIE interactive graphic in this module’s Media Learning Resources with a focus on the “The ADDIE Model” section for further understanding of the model and how it will be used throughout your Course Project.

Submit a paper that contains the following (use bullet points to provide the information):


  • Describe the delivery mode of your proposed course: online, MOOC, mobile (Brinthaupt, Clayton, Draude, & Calahan, 2014).
  • What is the course topic?
  • Within the broader curriculum you have chosen, describe the purpose of the course you plan to create? Is it technology training, professional development, a content course, or something else? (Stavredes & Herder, 2014; p. 35)
  • Describe what procedures you would need to complete in your situation to have the course approved for delivery. Identify to whom you would have to pitch the proposal (e.g., board of directors, department head).

Learner characteristics and needs

  • Who are the potential learners for the eLearning course and what are their characteristics (Stavredes & Herder, 2014; p. 25)?
  • What key needs of the learners must be met within the course to support their persistence/retention (Stavredes & Herder, 2014; p. 30)?
  • Evaluate any issues of diversity, along with any other exceptionalities that must be considered during the course development and/or delivery (Stavredes & Herder, 2014; p. 28).
  • Describe the likelihood that students who take your eLearning course will access it via mobile technology (handheld devices). How might this influence the development of your eLearning course? How important is the consideration to mobile learning (mLearning) in the development of an online course? Whiteside, et al. (2017)

Proposed Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Identify a potential LMS or mobile platform for your course, providing URL. To the site you are planning on using.
  • Describe how the platform will be accessible on mobile devices.

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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3-week eLearning course Project:
A Human Resource Management Online Course
Student’s Name




A Human Resource Management Online Course

The delivery mode of the course is online (fully online program). The program will be
developed on the educational facility’s student’s canvas, and the students can log in, interact
with the faculty and technical support team. The students will be receiving multimedia
materials and live classes, and they will also be doing their tests and main exams on the same
platform. The students will also have easy access to study materials that will be
downloadable in the platform (Brinthaupt, Clayton, Calahan, & Draude, 2014, pp. 326-327).

The course topic is Human Resource Management.

The purpose of the course is to train and enhance people's skills to managemen...

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