please write 2 papers - description below

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Business Finance

Financial Management

Beauty Academy of South Florida


In this assignment you are to serve as a consultant to a company of your choice in one of the cases presented in Jick and Peiperl (2011). As such, you are to provide recommendations to the company utilizing the various leadership and change concepts gained in the course. You are to present a proposal that is no less than 1000 and no more than 1500 words in length. In this assignment you are to serve as a professional consultant and demonstrate your proficiency at providing guidance to an organization undergoing change. Your proposal should be very clear, concise, and focused.

The basic format of your proposal is to follow the basic structure which includes seven sections below:

1. Introduction

2. Definition of the project

3. Diagnosis of current situation

4. Recommendations

5. Implementation plan

6. Summary

7. Reference section

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Explanation & Answer

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British Airway Case Study
Student’s Name

British Airway Case Study
The British Airways was established in 1971 after the signing of the Civil Aviation Act
that saw the different airline companies merged. Previously it was a private airline, but the
signing of the Civil Aviation Act saw the company become public. Immediately after its
formation, the company started undergoing a wide range of challenges. The merger of the
multiple airlines failed to provide an effective strategy that would handle different issues that
existed in each company. The leadership that was put in place lacked the necessary skills and
abilities to develop a new approach and implement it, allowing the company to render its
services to the customers (Jick & Peiperl, 2011). Change is one of the critical processes that a
company has to undergo to be guaranteed for its ability to render quality services to its clients.
The inability to implement change effectively threatens the sustainability of a company. The case
study report below identifies the project undertaken by British Airways, diagnoses it, and
provides recommendations on how best the change should have been handled.
Definition of the project
A merger is an example of a business process that allows at least two organizations to
come together and start operating like one. After a merger, there is a need for the formed
organization to rebrand, which will enable it to dissociate with any of the two brands that led to
its formation. The management of the new company must develop a strategy that will be used to
appeal to the customers of the companies that merged. The ability to establish an effective
strategy helps the resulting brand after the merger to retain most, if not all, of the customers (Jick
& Peiperl, 2011). In other cases, the management of the new brand is, at times, overwhelmed by

the change the company undergoes. Being overwhelmed by such change impairs the ability of
the brand to offer customers quality services and products, making it hard to satisfy their needs.
After a merger that led to its formation, British Airways found it hard to adopt change leading to
poor services to customers. The factors contributing to such an outcome will be analyzed below.
Diagnosis of the problem
Effective leadership is one of the crucial elements that facilitate the ability of an
organization to render services to its customers in an effective way. To guarantee its success in
leading the organization, the management must develop a strategy that allows for effective
identification of customer needs. Secondly, the administration should ensure that there is an
effective strategy that has been identified, allowing the company to meet these needs. In the case
of British Airways, formed after a merger of various private airlines, the company lacked an
effective leadership that would identify the customer needs, and develop an effective strategy to
meet these needs (Jick & Peiperl, 2011). For that matter, the company underwent multiple
challenges. For example, some of the j...

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