Organizational Change Earnest Ladday and Melissa Mohabir Discussion

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Business Finance


Earnest Ladday

Respond in 100 words

If I was called upon to be a change agent for the company I worked for, I would begin by taking the time needed to understand the method of the company. By being a call agent and not understanding the company’s procedures will make it a difficult task to determine what are the issues and what is needed to make the company better. Next, I would gather information by talking with personnel that are directly and indirectly involved with the company. This will allow me to determine the issues that they are confronted with regularly. I would justify my needs for change by using the information that was gathered and developing a strategic goal that will be needed to achieve the change that is required.

Melissa Mohabir

Respond in 100 words

If I was tasked with the responsibility to be a change agent for my organization, I would be extremely proud as it would be a stepping stone to the next path in my career. I would begin this strategy by first understanding the change that will need to take place. I will gather more information about who will be impacted, how many will it impact, what is being changed within the company, and the timeframe for this change to take place. Next, I would conduct several roundtables to allow me to gain understanding, for individuals to build communication, offer ideas and feedback, build trust among peers and colleagues. This in turn will help me to have a clear vision on the needs of the change and how I can support the change strategy with keeping efficiency and effectiveness as top priority. I would then implement the change with a small pilot group first, so that the results can speak from themselves, to gain buy in. This will also give me to ability update and enhance my strategy before launching it to the whole organization. Then I will showcase survey and productivity results of before and after the change, to justify the change and the benefits that it brings.

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Explanation & Answer


Response to Earnest Ladday

I agree with you that being an effective change agent of a company start with having a better
understanding of the company. It is through the understanding that one is able to unravel issues
that need to be addressed with the aim of spearheading a certain c...

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