Wheel Conspiracy and a chain of custody

User Generated


Business Finance


This assignment will focus on the various types of conspiracy categories. Understanding the type of conspiracy will aid an investigator in better understanding the crime being investigated.

Please complete the following:

  • Describe in detail a wheel conspiracy, a chain conspiracy, and a combination conspiracy.
  • List an example of a type of crime commonly committed in each type of conspiracy.

This individual work should include the following:

  • An in-depth submission that should be free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • An essay containing a minimum of one page double spaced.

You will be assessed on the rationale you use in addressing the questions/issue posted, and how well you justify your argument regarding this issue.

Your response must be thought-provoking, have well developed ideas and/or opinions, and should reference any supporting material from the text, lecture, or other sources you used to complete the assignment.

You may use your text or the Internet as a reference, but remember to cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

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