EDU 7100 Ashford University Eras of Education Discussion

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EDU 7100

ashford university



Identify one of the eras examined in the unit and answer the following:
• What were the social and economic characteristics of that era which shaped and influence higher education?
• Describe the relationships between the community and the various members of the university.
• What are some of the key milestones from that era which are present in contemporary higher education?
• What are some of the events in that era which promoted societal change?

Cohen, A. M. & Kisker, C. B. (2010). The shaping of American higher education: Emergence and growth of the secondary system (2nd ed). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 1: Establishing the Collegiate Form in the Colonies, 1636-1789, pp. 13-26.
  • Chapter 2: The Diffusion of Small Colleges in the Emergent Nation, 1790-1869, pp. 57-71.
  • Chapter 3: University Transformation as the Nation Industrializes, 1870-1944, pp. 105-122.
  • Chapter 4: Mass Higher Education in the Era of American Hegemony, 1945-1975, pp. 187-195; 199-208.

Lucas, C. J. (2006). American higher education: A history (2nd ed). New York, NY: Palgrave McMillan Book.

  • Chapter 2: Cathedral Church Schools to Universities, pp. 35-38; 58-71.
  • Chapter 3: Post Medieval Academe: Evolution and Estrangement, pp. 71-90; 93-102.

Edmund Sass. (2020, January 25). American educational history: A hypertext timeline (Links to an external site.). Retrieved January 30, 2020 from

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The shaping of American higher education: Emergence and growth of the secondary system
Student's Name
Course Title
March 12, 2020

The American education system has evolved a lot with time. It is a product of many years
of reforms and advancements. Higher education in the United States covers that area of the
country's education system that builds on high school. The tertiary education (Higher Education,
Post-Secondary Education ), which is the area of institutionalized higher education, has, in 2017,
in the United States 4298 universities includes. These are partly as universities, partly as colleges
designated. More than half of them are private universities; the rest are in public hands (Cohen,
& Kisker, 2010).
There are different eras that shaped the American education system. Divided is the
tertiary education in the United States in an undergraduate degree (Undergraduate Studies) and
builds on it further studies (Advanced Studies). In the undergraduate course, the general
education program of the high schools is continued, in part, vocational qualifications are
imparted, and in part, the requirements for subsequent studies are created. In the advanced
studies, master's courses are to be distinguished from special vocational courses. While the
former serves to further qualify in the previous major, the latter concentrates on vocational
training in special subjects such as law or medicine, which in addition to the specialist
qualification, also requires ...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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