FNU Patient Suffered A Myocardial Infarction Cardiac Rehabilitation Case Study

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Health Medical

Florida National University


This is a case study with some questions, answer each question in relation to the case, that is presented to you, put each answer under each question, use a reliable source in the internet , I need 3 pages in APA style thanks you. The document is upload below

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Case Study 1 1. Mrs. S, a 63yo patient, who suffered a myocardial infarction last year, is in cardiac rehabilitation center for follow up after suffering from fatigue and shortness of breath; she complains of a “fluttering” feeling with her heartbeat and she has occasional productive cough. Mrs. S. normally does not struggle with nighttime urination, but for the past month, she has had to get up to use the restroom 2 to 3 times each night. She has gain 5 poinds in the past week. Questions 1. What do you think is wrong with Mrs. S.? 2. Which test would most likely be used to confirm diagnosis? 3. The nurse performs a physical assessment on the patient and checks her respiratory rate while listening to her lung sounds. What do you think she is looking for? After diagnostic testing, the physician prescribes oral Lasix for her every day to help with some of her symptoms and assists her with a program through cardiac rehabilitation where she can exercise on a routine basis and continue to be monitored by health professionals. Questions 4. What is Lasix, and how it would help this patient? 5. What teaching should the nurse include for this medication on the patient’s care? 6. In addition to exercise, what other changes does the patient should implement? In addition to Lasix, the physician ordered Captopril for this patient. Questions 7. What is captopril? 8. Why was this medication ordered to the patient? 9. What information is most important for the nurse to give to this patient when using this medication? 10. How would the patient know if she is getting better with the treatment? Case Study 2 A 58-year-old African-American man is visiting his health care provider for an annual check-up. His family history includes hypertension and type 2 diabetes. He is a cigarette smoker and is 30 pounds overweight. He works as a car salesman in a very competitive market. Questions 1. What are the patient’s risk factors for hypertension? 2. You check the patient’s vital signs with the following results: Based on these readings, does the patient have hypertension? Explain your response. ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ BP – 142/90 mm Hg HR – 86/min R – 8/min T – 97º F
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Case Studies 1 And 2
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Case Studies 1 And 2


Case Study 1
1. Mrs. S, a 63yo patient, who suffered a myocardial infarction last year, is in cardiac rehabilitation
center for follow up after suffering from fatigue and shortness of breath; she complains of a
“fluttering” feeling with her heartbeat and she has occasional productive cough. Mrs. S. normally
does not struggle with nighttime urination, but for the past month, she has had to get up to use the
restroom 2 to 3 times each night. She has gain 5 pounds in the past week.
1. What do you think is wrong with Mrs. S.?
Mrs. S is suffering from pulmonary edema.
2. Which test would most likely be used to confirm diagnosis?
Chest x-ray, pulse oximetry, blood test to investigate BNP levels, electrocardiogr...

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