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Operations Functions
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Operations Functions
Question 1
Kasiri and Movassaghi (2015) state that in manufacture of goods and services, operation
management is aimed at designing and controlling production together with redesigning business
operations. It warrants business proper and efficient use of few resources, thus improving
efficiency. Also, customer requirements are meant since the business operations will be effective
with the application of operation management. Essentially, operation management focuses on
processes of converting raw materials to output in the form of goods and services. Some
principles guide operations in any firm in operations management. The success of any
organization is depended on strict adherence to these principles, and they comprise of
manufacturing management, inventory management, and distribution and logistics.
Additionally, operation management is based on four theories that are important in
numerous approaches that are critical. Organization’s operations are driven by operation
strategies, part of the business that converts the input into output and distributes goods and
services. Overall, business strategy is triggered by an operation...