PMU The Leadership Style of Zinedin Zidane Essay

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Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University


The textbook discusses 5 leadership styles: laissez-faire leader, autocrat, participative leader, transactional leader, and transformational leader, and several key leadership traits. In 1-2 pages NOT including the Cover Page (see below), you will write an essay using the leader you have selected

My English is not perfect, so please do not use hard vocabulary or very complex sentences.

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The textbook discusses 5 leadership styles: laissez-faire leader, autocrat, participative leader, transactional leader, and transformational leader, and several key leadership traits. In 1-2 pages NOT including the Cover Page (see below), you will write an essay using the leader you have selected for Asst. #2 & describe in five paragraph essay formats a) their leadership style (you can include some of their life experiences which helped them develop); b) key leadership traits the leader possesses; and c) how this brief “leader case study” can help you (as a future leader) develop your leadership style/skills. Be creative, but make sure you adhere to the format, and that you answer prompts A, B and C above. For example, Paragraph 1 is the intro (mention leader, a fact or two about them, and what essay will be about), Paragraph 2 (prompt A), Paragraph 3 (Prompt B), Paragraph 4 (Prompt C), and Paragraph 5 (conclusion). See attached 5 paragraph essay guide for further guidance. References are not required but I expect you to consult sources, so be sure to include them if you do. Essays should be 1 full page Word Doc (up to 2 pgs = ok), 12pt Times New Roman font, 1.5 spacing. Use proper spelling/grammar. Again, plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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Zinedin Zidane



Zinedin Zidane

Zinedin Zidane
The leader I have chosen to analyze is Zinedine Zidane. Zinedine Zidane is the coach of
one of the best football clubs in the world, Real Madrid. He joined coaching after retiring as a
football player. He is one of the famous football players that France could have. He led his
country in winning the world cup trophy as well as the 2000 European championships before
transitioning to a coaching career. He is widely considered as the master of the techniques and
fundamentals of the game. He was born on 23rd June 1972 in Marseille France by Algerian
Immigrant parents. He became the coach of Real Madrid in 2016 and when on to win 3
consecutive champions league titles. Zinedine exhibits great leadership traits that make him one
of the best c...

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