University of California Irvine Art in Persian Films Paper

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University of California Irvine


Students will write one 4-5 page paper for the final. You are encouraged to come up with your own topic for your essay, however, you can use the topics below.

Essays should be typed, in a standard font with standard margins, double-spaced and in black ink. The use of ONE secondary source (from the syllabus or from outside sources) is required. Grades will be lowered for papers that do not meet the minimum page requirement. Do not include title pages. Please proof read your work. I WILL take off points for grammar and spelling mistakes, if these mistakes affect my comprehension of your work.  Footnotes are not required. However, please give a page number in parentheses for each quote used from a secondary source.  If you are using outside sources or a different version of the texts, you must have a bibliography.          

Any form of plagiarism will receive an F.

Make sure to connect all of your ideas to our class movies/ readings/ discussions, etc.. or you won’t get full credit.


The writing Center is an excellent source to improve the students’ writing, editing and proofreading skills for their papers.  Make sure to take benefit from this free service. to an external site. 

Phone: 949-824-8949

UC Irvine Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication
193 Ayala Science Library
Phone: 949-824-8949
Email (general inquiries & scheduling only):

Fall, Winter, & Spring Hours
Monday-Thursday, 8am-8pm Friday, 8am-4pm

Essay topics:

Examine how the fusion of Persian and foreign elements produced many new and original forms of art, both in the classical and contemporary fields. With examples drawn from the movies, explain how art could become political.  Quotes should be marked with chapter and page number (14/3).

In many Persian movies the presence of art, poetry, dance, music, etc. is very apparent. Why do you think art plays such an important role?  Do you believe that the value of art is to serve some moral or didactic purpose? Also, the choice of location for the filmmaker is either a cultural or a political statement. It reflects the filmmaker’s state of mind as well as his/her emotional situation at the time of filming.  How do you describe the choice of locations in the movies we watched?  Quotes should be marked with chapter and page number (14/3).

Write a “missing chapter” to one of the films we have seen, using the characters and style of the work. Then write a 2-page critique of your chapter.

Your own topic. Please discuss it with me ahead of time.

****** In your paper you will Identify a minimum of 2 editing or stylistic choices that caught your eye (e.g. framing, lighting, shot composition, specific cuts) in 2 of the movies we watched.  Give some examples.

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Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer


Thesis Statement: Thus, the apparent presence of various forms of art in Persian films is a form
of expression of the social, cultural, and political underpinnings of the Persian society.

Importance of Art in Persian Movies
Using Art to Serve a Moral or Deductive Purpose


Choice of Location in Movies


Stylistic Choices




Student’s name:
Art in Persian Films
Art is one of the factors that makes Iran, formerly known as Persia, a beautiful country.
The country boasts of having one of the richest art heritages in the globe. Some of the artistic
categories that Iran engages in include sculptures, metalworking, weaving, stonemasonry,
architecture, calligraphy, pottery, and painting. Persian art is one of the most sought after
worldwide since the country beholds the oldest and most unique techniques in various art
disciplines. Before the information age, the rest of the world was not aware of the rich history of
Persian art. Access to a significant portion of this information in present day can be attributed to
film, which the Persians use as a channel to paint the actual picture of their country. Thus, the
apparent presence of various forms of art in Persian films is a form of expression of the social,
cultural, and political underpinnings of the Persian society.
Importance of Art in Persian Movies
Art acts as a society’s repository collective memory. As a result, it affects the fundamental
sense of self through its ability to translate experiences across time and space, instill values, and
change opinions. This element of art applies to all societies that practice different types of art,
Persia being one of them. Films or movies are a form of art. However, as opposed to the other


forms of art, ...

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