PHI 2010 Florida International Searle Cartesianism After Descartes Quiz

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PHI 2010

Florida International University



Searle explains that the popular view about minds and bodies is what is called dualism: we think we have a mind and a body. Searle calls this view "Cartesianism" after Descartes, and begins to list problems associated with this view. One such problem is called the Problem of Other Minds. Explain what the problem of other minds is by offering an example, and how the hammer and thumb example attempts to refute this problem through an analogy. Why doesn't the analogy work according to Searle?

2 paragraphs

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Explanation & Answer


Dualism is the phenomenon and popular view that explains the connection that we as
humans have with our bodies and mind. This is called Dualism, but Searle in his lecture refers to
it as "Cartesianism". While the idea and view are popular, there are quite a few problems that
come with it. Searle tries to describe them all during the lecture. Descartes believed that there are
two things in this world, the things that ar...

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