Getting Started
By this point in the course, you have identified a community or organizational need. In your final workshop activity, you will complete another building block for your final social action project proposal, called a problem statement and literature review. In this activity, you will do a brief literature search using the IWU library and other web resources. You will define your selected need based on evidence from the literature, including journals and books. Then, you will write a description that synthesizes what you have learned into an organized problem statement.
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
- Synthesize dynamics of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human rights at the macro practice level. (PO 3)
- Website resource: Problem Statements: A Brief Introduction
Background Information
As indicated in the article, an articulate problem statement will help demonstrate why your community or organizational issue is important. Your problem statement should include a clear description of the current need, including the nature and extent of the problem.. Additionally, your problem statement should be crafted so that it positions you as an expert on the problem.
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- Review the web resource, “Problem Statements: A Brief Introduction.”
- Complete a literature search and a search of community-level data regarding your community or organization's needs. Identify at least 10 resources that address the community need.
- Develop a 1,000-word statement and literature review of the community problem. Use local data and empirical literature sources to support your statement. Please note that community demographic data will be discussed in Workshop 4.
Explanation & Answer
Running head: ETHICS
Ethical Conflicts and Supervision
Institutional Affiliation
Ethical Conflicts and Supervision
The first ethical issue, which I may encounter in addressing the needs of the community,
include confidentiality of the information provided by the target group. As a social worker, one
is exposed to various types of information ...