CECS MP004 Walden University Balanced Budgets for Early Childhood Programs Paper

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Walden University



This Assessment requires submission of three (3) files. Save your files as follows:

-Save Part I as MP004_PartI_firstinitial_lastname (for example, MP002_J_Smith).
-Save Part II (the Excel file) as MP004_PartII_firstiniital_lastname.
-Save Part III as MP004_PartIII_firstiniital_lastname.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

This assessment has three-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

Part I: Funding Sources

On the “Funding Source Template” provided, list and describe at least three specific funding sources that you will seek out to help pay for the new costs due to the flooding. Provide a rationale explaining how the funding sources meet the needs of the early childhood program.

Part II: Creating the Budget

Create a balanced budget under the tab “Please Update Budget” in the Excel “Assessment Budget” document. This balanced budget must account for the following that occurred as a result of the flood:

  1. The Learning Place Early Childhood Center needs a great deal of repairs as the entire floor is covered with up to 1-foot of water. The estimated repairs are approximately $15,000.
  2. It will cost about $6,000 to fix the damaged furniture and equipment.
  3. The outdoor play area has large cracks in the pavement and the jungle gym has become rusty due to flooding. Repairs on the outdoor play area are estimated at about $10,000.
  4. Families in the neighborhood are experiencing losses in their homes as well. As a result, several families have decided to withdraw their children from your early childhood care center as they cannot afford the weekly tuition. The estimated tuition loss is approximately $25,000 for the year.
  5. Two lead teachers and one assistant teacher have decided to move to a different town, causing them to resign from their positions. These teachers will only be paid approximately half their salaries for the year.

Balance your budget so that it is clearly aligned with the mission and beliefs of The Learning Place Early Childhood Center in the “Assessment Mission” document.

Part III: Budget Rationale

Write a 3- to 4-page essay that:

  • Explains how your budget reflects the mission and vision of The Learning Place Early Childhood Center
  • Provides the rationales for the changes that you made to the budget in Part II
  • Explains why cash-flow analysis, projections, and long-term planning are all important when managing budgets (Note: In your explanation, be sure to relate these terms to the given scenario and any relevant professional experience that you may have.)

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CECS MP004: Creating Budgets Create balanced budgets for early childhood programs. Assessment Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Part I: Funding Sources Sub-Competency 1: Analyze funding sources for early childhood programs. Learning Objective 1.1: Funding sources are not Funding sources are not Describe funding present. relevant and/or clearly sources for early described. childhood programs. At least three specific funding sources are described in detail. Learning Objective 1.2: Explain how funding sources meet the defined needs of early childhood programs. Explanation draws logical connections between the funding sources and the needs of the early childhood program. Explanation of how funding sources meet the defined needs of the early childhood program is not present. Explanation is illogical or incomplete. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: More than three specific funding sources are described in detail. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: A compelling rationale for the alignment between the funding sources and the needs of the early childhood program. Part II: Creating the Budget Sub-Competency 2: Evaluate income and expenses to meet prioritized early childhood program needs within budgetary constraints. Learning Objective Budget is missing. Budget is not balanced Budget is balanced and Demonstrates the same 2.1: and/or does not reflect reflects attention to level of achievement as Create a balanced attention to identified identified program needs. “2,” plus the following: budget that meets the program needs. Budget is balanced and identified needs of reflects deep early childhood consideration of the ©2014 Walden University 1 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement programs within budgetary constraints. PS003: Technology: Use technology tools effectively. Learning Objective Excel spreadsheet is Excel spreadsheet has PS 3.2: incomplete or missing. some formatting issues Apply the features of and is difficult to interpret. Excel to communicate information effectively. Part III: Budget Rationale Sub-Competency 3: Create budgets that reflect program mission, vision, and goals. Learning Objective Explanation is not present. Explanation of how budget 3.1: is aligned with mission, Explain budgetary vision, and goals is unclear decisions and how and/or illogical. they reflect program mission, vision, and Examples from the budget goals. are not applicable. 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations identified program needs. Excel spreadsheet has effective formatting, and the data can be easily read and interpreted. Excel spreadsheet includes format and design elements that bring enhanced clarity to the spreadsheet. Explanation of how budget is aligned with mission, vision, and goals is clear and logical, using relevant examples from the budget. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response provides a compelling rationale for budgetary changes. Response provides a logical rationale for budgetary decisions. Sub-Competency 4: Explain the importance of cash-flow analysis, projections, and long-term planning in the budget-planning process. Learning Objective Explanation is not present. Explanation of the Explanation of the Demonstrates the same 4.1: Explain the importance of cash-flow importance of cash-flow level of achievement as importance of cashanalysis, projections, and analysis, projections, and “2,” plus the following: flow analysis, long-term planning is long-term planning is projections, and longillogical and/or uses logical and uses relevant Explanation is term planning in the irrelevant examples. examples based on the comprehensive and uses budget-planning scenario. appropriate examples process. based on authentic professional experience. ©2014 Walden University 2 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Writing reflects competent use of standard edited American English. Grammar, spelling, and mechanics reflect a high level of accuracy in standard American English and enhance readability. PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills. Learning Objective PS 1.1: Use proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Multiple major and minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are highly distracting and seriously impact readability. Multiple minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are distracting and negatively impact readability. Errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics do not negatively impact readability. Learning Objective Writing is poorly organized Writing is loosely Writing is generally wellWriting is consistently PS 1.2: and incoherent. organized. Limited use of organized. Introductions, well-organized. Organize writing to Introductions, transitions, introductions, transitions, transitions, and Introductions, transitions, enhance clarity. and conclusions are and conclusions provides conclusions provide and conclusions are used missing or inappropriate. partial continuity. continuity and a logical effectively to enhance progression of ideas. clarity, cohesion, and flow. PS005: Critical Thinking: Use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best practice. Learning Objective Problems and solutions Response presents Response presents Response presents PS 5.4: are not identified. solutions, but they are solutions that are compelling supporting Use problem-solving skills. ineffective in addressing practical and work in arguments for proposed the specific problem. addressing the specific solutions. problem. ©2014 Walden University 3 INCOME Infant Program Toddler Program Preschool Program Total Enrollment Tuition (Weekly) Number 190,00 180,00 170,00 13 16 52 81 Number 1 1 6 5 Annual Salary 32.000,00 28.000,00 23.000,00 20.000,00 1 21.000,00 Estimated 80% Utilization Rate Registration Fee ($100.00/child annually) Total Tuition Income Other Income USDA Food Subsidy Grants Fundraising Late Pick-Up Fees, Late Payments, Miscellaneous Total Other Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Position Director Assistant Director Lead Teachers Full-Time Assistant Teachers Full-Time Foreign Language Instructor Substitute(s) Full-Time Custodian (@ $7.50/hr.) Full Time Food Service Worker (@ $8.00/hr.) Total Salaries Benefits (Estimated @30%) Total Personnel Cost Other Expenses Rent Utilities Food Equipment Supplies Insurance Repairs for Outdoor Play Area Professional Development—Meetings, Conferences, Training Diversity Training Seminars Total Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES BALANCE Week Annual 2.470,00 2.880,00 8.840,00 128.440,00 149.760,00 459.680,00 737.880,00 590.304,00 8.100,00 598.404,00 12.000,00 5.000,00 4.000,00 750,00 21.750,00 620.154,00 32.000,00 28.000,00 138.000,00 100.000,00 21.000,00 9.000,00 15.600,00 16.640,00 360.240,00 108.072,00 468.312,00 72.000,00 6.000,00 24.000,00 6.000,00 4.000,00 5.000,00 2.000,00 8.000,00 650,00 127.650,00 595.962,00 24.192,00 INCOME Tuition (Weekly) Number Number Annual Salary Infant Program Toddler Program Preschool Program Total Enrollment Estimated 80% Utilization Rate Registration Fee ($100.00/child annually) Total Tuition Income Other Income Total Other Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Position Director Assistant Director Lead Teachers Full-Time Assistant Teachers Full-Time Foreign Language Instructor Substitute(s) Full-Time Custodian (@ $7.50/hr.) Week 0,00 0,00 0,00 Full Time Food Service Worker (@ $8.00/hr.) Total Salaries Benefits (Estimated @30%) Total Personnel Cost Other Expenses Total Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES BALANCE Annual 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 ©2014 Walden University 1 ©2014 Walden University 2 Funding Source Template Funding Source Name Description of Funding Source Rationale for Applying the Funding Source ©2014 Walden University 1
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