CS 699 SEU Cloud Vulnerabilities Related to Cybersecurity Capstone

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Computer Science

CS 699

Saudi electronic university



1) I need a research targeting user information how is it stored and how is kept safe.

2) Associated Risk in using IOT or Cloud in health sector

3) How to transmit the data from wearable or implanted devices on human body

4) Where is the weakness in what layer of IOT connectivity and relation with new trending technology like 5G & how to Enhance this layer

5) How this information can be interrupted by attacker Interruption of information

6) Can this IOT device protect the user information

7) Physical Vulnerability when device is implanted in humans body, also size of the device, and can these devices be integrated into 1 device?

8) The use of nano chips in IOT devices that are used for health sector for example when cant apple watch calculate blood pressure is there certain constraits?

9) Human resistances to use these IOT devices, are humans welling to use the IOT device and implant them on or in their bodies.

10) Healthcare and IOT vulnerability for example: Cost, resistance, connectivity etc, at least 15 to 20 points of the obstacles that are not making IOT widely implemented and why? (1 - 2 pages for each point )

- I need papers related to Health care and IOT vulnerability

- Also any assessments like survey or interview.

- Finally, I need to to have a contribution related to this topic.

Attached is also a template to follow kindly note:

- I need the journals and a presentation related to this topic.

- Reference must ONLY be from journal articles published in well publishers’ databases; IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, and Taylor & Francis. and recent from year 2017 least old.

- Citation is really important

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SAUDI ELECTRONIC UNIVERSITY College of Computing & Informatics MSIS Capstone Project – CS699 Final Report Presented by: Student Reg# Student Name Project Advisor Date Table of Contents Contents Table of Figures..............................................................................................................................3 List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................4 Declaration......................................................................................................................................5 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................6 Revision History .............................................................................................................................7 Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................8 1. Introduction (Normally Chapter 1) ........................................................................................9 2. Literature review (Normally 1 to 3 chapters as needed) ....................................................10 3. Methods and the materials (Normally 1 chapter) ...............................................................11 4. Research results and discussions – The Body (Normally 1 to 3 chapters) ........................12 5. Conclusions and Future Work (Normally 1 chapter) .........................................................14 References .....................................................................................................................................15 A. Appendices if needed .............................................................................................................16 A.1 Appendix A ..................................................................................................................................... 16 A.2 Appendix B ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Table of Figures Figure 1: Figure 1 Caption .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. List of Tables No table of figures entries found. Declaration AZ Acknowledgements AZ Revision History AZ Abstract An abstract is a short informative summary that briefly describes the problem, summarizes the main argument, the research methods and procedures and lists the main findings and conclusions. Remember to keep it brief, normally an abstract must not exceeding 500 words in the case of a thesis and 300 words in the case of a dissertation. This summary must appear in the front of the dissertation or thesis following the table of content and must end with a list of not more than ten key words. 1. Introduction (Normally Chapter 1) Our dissertation or thesis will start with an introduction. Here you should introduce the reader to the topic, telling the reader precisely what you are going to do and why it is worth doing. The introduction is usually a summary of the project proposal and its objectives explaining what you are interested in and why and in general sense how you intend to study your topic, specifying your objective. It prepares the reader for the scientific argumentation and evaluation of the information and findings. 2. Literature review (Normally 1 to 3 chapters as needed) The literature review chapter(s) is an important part of your dissertation or thesis and it takes a lot of work and time to complete. It identifies the research that already has been completed in your topic area and provides an analysis of all current information relevant to the topic. A literature review should demonstrate that you have read broadly in your field and that you understand the important and analyzed the literature relevant to the topic. It is important for the student to note that it is essential to complete most of the literature study before proceeding to the final planning and execution of the research. The reason for this is that the student often neglects literature study. They start collecting data only to find out during the literature study that their methodology and questions have critical weaknesses. This has a negative effect on the study of the final product. Each section should be concluded with a summary of the principles found in the literature that are applicable to the study. 3. Methods and the materials (Normally 1 chapter) The research methodology will explain to your reader the methods you used to gather the information and data for your paper to answer your research question, almost like a recipe. This chapter is regarded as the core of the dissertation or thesis as an error or weakness in this explanation can invalidate the findings, dooming the study as a whole. This chapter is often scrutinized very critically by other scientists, and weigh heavily in examining. • Start the chapter with a clear explanation of the methodology that will be used to solve the problem. • Provide a detailed description of the components of the methodology. • Describe what the methods are all about and how you have executed the methodology. It should be clear why you choose to use this specific methodology for answering your research question 4. Research results and discussions – The Body (Normally 1 to 3 chapters) This component also known as “the body” of the dissertation or thesis, consists of the final results of the research, your analysis of them and your sub - conclusion. You should keep the body of your dissertation or thesis simple. Your findings can be anything from data from archives, results from an experiment or answers to questions. To present the massive volume of data collected in an ordered manner, the data must be put in writing. Arrange the data into tables and figures and arrange it in such a way that the specific groups of data correspond. The body of your dissertation or thesis will be divided into chapters and the chapters will be divided into sections and sub-sections. You do not want to “loose” your reader so you need to structure the body of the dissertation or theses carefully. You should make it as logical, cumulative and simple as possible. The conclusion must be motivated, and where applicable, based on a sound statistical analysis of the data. If there are different views of the concept it must be clearly stated by means of logical reasoning to indicate why one view is preferred to another. Conclusions and findings must always be clear on which facts and/or published literature the conclusions and findings are based. 5. Implementation (Normally 1 chapter) Clear and detailed implementation and the possibility for reproduction of the same results for future researchers. 6. Conclusions and Future Work (Normally 1 chapter with 2 subsections) In the final chapter all the loose ends are tied up and you must tell your reader what you have discovered in each phase of the research process and the worth of it. Here you give an overview of the research process clearly formulate your findings and conclusions regarding the research problem, sub-problems or hypothesis. References List of References in APA style A.Appendices if needed A.1 Appendix A AZ A.2 Appendix B AZ
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Cloud Vulnerabilities Related to Cybersecurity
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Cloud Vulnerabilities Related to Cybersecurity
1. Need research targeting user information on how is it stored and how it is kept safe.
User information refers to the information that is conveyed across the functional interface
between the sender user and a telecommunication system for distribution to the end-user or its
destination. Such information includes the user overhead information found in most
telecommunications systems. Users must store their information in a safe environment for future
reference. The user may decide to save his/her information in their own custom external data
storage devices or on cloud storage. External storage devices allow the user to store information
separately for their primary storage. For instance, a user can store their information in a database
stored on an external hard drive. Cloud storage is a cloud computing model that stores data in
remote servers which the user can access through the internet. Examples of cloud storage include
Auth0, Google Docs, and Xdrive, among others.
With the advancement in technology, hackers have come up with sophisticated methods
of attacking systems. User information contains sensitive information, which, if the land on the
hackers' hands, could lead to losses. As such, user information should be kept safe at all costs to
avoid landing on the hands of unauthorized individuals. Cloud-based storage ensures the safety
of user information through various practices such as encryption and authentication. Encryption
involves converting the data into a format that cannot be understood by unauthorized personnel.
Authentication can involve the use of passwords and usernames to authenticate the user. Also,
storing user information on hard drives is more vulnerable to such risks as theft or natural
calamities such as flooding (Defrance, Gautier & Gilberton, 2018). Unlike the local hard drives,
cloud data is more secure because it upholds the CIA security triad (i.e., ensures data



confidentiality, integrity, and availability). As such, user information is safer on cloud-based
databases than on local hard drives.
2. Associated Risk in using IoT or Cloud in the health sector
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of billions of physical devices
across the world that collect and share data and information. Cloud computing plays an essential
role in the creation of IoT applications by enhancing the speed, accuracy, and efficiency during
the process. Since its birth, IoT technology has revolutionized many industries in the world,
including manufacturing firms, banking industries, and the health care industry. In health care,
the IoT technology is playing an integral role in enhancing the efficiency and quality and
treatments as well as improving the health outcome of patients. For instance, it has enabled
simultaneous monitoring and reporting, is helping with tracking and alerts, enhanced medical
research and clinical trials, and is providing remote medical assistance to healthcare practitioners
(Zakaria, Bakar, Hassan & Yaacob, 2019). Despite these benefits, IoT and cloud in the health
sector are associated with various risks such as data security threats and privacy concerns as well
as data overload and accuracy.
First, IoT technology in the health sector comes with increased data security threats and
privacy concerns. IoT applications capture and share data in real-time. Most of the IoT devices
do not have data standards and protocols, however. Also, data ownership regulations are not well
defined in most IoT applications. These factors make data highly susceptible to hackers who can
hack into the medical systems and get away with patients' health information. The hackers can
then use the information to create fake IDs to buy medical equipment or drugs. They can also use
the information to demand ransoms from the patients. Second, IoT devices create data overload,
which may bring about accuracy concerns. Even though data aggregation is difficult due to the



use of distinct communication standards and protocols, IoT devices still record vast amounts of
data. However, the number of data is usually so enormous that deriving insights from them
become hard for physicians, which affects the quality of decision-making. This turns out to be a
risk since decisions within the healthcare sector may mean the difference between death or life
for a patient.
3. How to transmit the data from wearable or implanted devices on the human body
Wearable technology in health care involves the use of electronic devices that individuals
can wear, like smartwatches and Fitbits, and are designed to collect the individual's health data
and for exercise. Implantable medical devices are the human-made devices that are totally or
partly introduced to the human body through a surgical procedure. An example is the e-tattoo,
which is a tattoo-like implant that contains an individual's medical data. Both implanted and
wearable health devices are increasingly becoming an integral part of the health care systems
across the world. As such, they are helping medical practitioners to better monitor the health
status of their patients as well as in guidance and early diagnostic of the disease. These devices
enable ambulatory access to vital signs as well as the monitoring of health status over an
extended period and outside the medical environments (Dias & Paulo Silva Cunha, 2018). This
ensures better support in medical diagnosis and aids in a faster and better recovery of the patient.
To make sense, data within the wearable or implanted devices need to be transmitted to
various interconnected IoT devices. For instance, medical practitioners must have a way of
accessing the data in the implanted or wearable devices so they can use it in the diagnostic and
treatment of the patient. Today, most companies producing wearable devices such as apple have
partnered with medical facilities to create a platform that provides the health information of a
patient. Implanted devices have their own way of transmitting data. The e-tattoo, for instance,



allows a medical practitioner to scan a tattoo using certain software, which then provides the
medical history and information of the patient. The software can be found in such devices as
smartphones, mini-computers, or tablets, making the transmission of the data easy.
4. Where is the weakness in what layer of IoT connectivity and relation with new
trending technology like 5G & how to Enhance this layer?
The adoption of new technologies by different industries is on the rise. The adoption of
these technologies is inevitable because companies need these technologies to remain relevant
and competitive. One such technology is IoT, which is a paradigm whereby physical objects
equipped with processors, sensors, and actuators communicate with each other and share
information required to achieve a meaningful purpose. Research shows that in the next few
years, the economic value generated by IoT is likely to hit over 10 trillion dollars. As such, firms
must implement IoT to be part of the immense gain that is expected. For the successful
implementation of IoT, it essential to understand the infrastructure of IoT layers. This is because
some of the layers have weaknesses that, if not dealt with, can cause losses to a firm. Usually, the
IoT contains four different layers. The first layer consists of the sensor-connected IoT devices;
the second consists of the IoT gateway devices, the third is the IoT Cloud, and the last is the IoT
analytics (Gupta, 2018).
Weaknesses facing this IoT layer include susceptibility to security threats, cloud attacks,
and privacy concerns, among others. The layer containing IoT gateway devices is the most
vulnerable. This layer enables the connection of devices across the IoT environment. The IoT
gateway aggregates data from the many sensing devices and transmits the data to the cloud. With
new trends in technology such as 5G, sharing data among these devices will be faster and more
efficient. 5G technology will also allow a higher capacity for remote execution by users and



increase the number of interconnected devices within the network. These benefits of this
technology also open opportunities for individuals with malicious intent, making the devices
susceptible to cyber-attacks. This weakness can be reduced by coming up with more reliable
measures of protecting data shared among the devices. Such includes coming up with more
robust encryption and authentication methods such as fingerprint authentication.
5. How this information can be interrupted by attacker Interruption of information
IoT technology involves connected devices to enhance communication, automation, and
information sharing. A person can easily access information that is located in servers located
miles away by directly accessing the internet. IoT technology is also cost-effective and enhances
dependability. However, this technology is vulnerable to various cyber-attacks, including
interruption attack. An interruption is an attack on the availability of data and includes the denial
of service attack. In an IoT environment, hackers can interrupt the data shared among the devices
hence hindering its availability. Interruption attacks can be described using the man-in-themiddle concept. This is a concept or a case where the hacker looks to interrupt and breach
communication between different systems. Such an attack is dangerous because the attacker
secretly interrupts communication and transmits data between two parties without the knowledge
of either party. The parties can share sensitive information, which may lead to losses. In health
care, for instance, the man-in-the-middle can interrupt and alter the message between a patient
and the physician. They may request such information, such as login credentials, which they can
use to access patients' sensitive data.
The interruption may also involve degrading the network or making it unavailable for
use. As such, interruption involves the attacks that are geared towards reducing the availability of
data. To interrupt information, the attacker may overload servers until they fail to respond, they



can cut the communication line, can overload a network device or an intermediate net to block
access to a service, can redirect requests to in an invalid destination, and can steal or destroy the
hardware or software component involved. IT experts in the health sector can reduce interruption
within a network by using firewalls, by proper storage of backups of the system configuration
data, and by replicating data to ensure continuity.
6. Can this IOT device protect the user information
In the past few years, IoT is has had a rapid growth. Today, IoT devices are applicable
almost everywhere, including in healthcare facilities. The electronic health records (EHR), for
instance, has several features that are enhanced by IoT. For example, these systems have the
error reduction feature, the predictive analytics, and the care monitoring feature, and the hand
hygiene feature all that is implemented using IoT technology. As such, we can conclude that the
EHR system is an IoT device. The system is used to store patient data, including their history and
current diagnosis. As such, the system must be protected against malicious activities that may
lead to loss of sensitive data. Since its invention, IT experts have researched on and improved
this IoT device to ensure it protects the users' information (Babrahem & Monowar, 2017).
Today, the system ensures that user's information security is upheld by controlling the
accessibility of data, by having only attack-aware medical professionals to use the systems, and
by ensuring that the system is up to date.
First, IT experts ensure that data stored in the EHR systems are safe by controlling the
access of data. Most of the data breaches within the health care sector involve insiders. To
manage this, these systems ensure that data is only accessible to authorized personnel only and
on a need-to-know basis. Second, the system ensures that user information is secure by ensuring
that medical practitioner that use the system are aware of potential attacks. About 36% of data



breaches in healthcare occurs because of unintentional employee actions, such as clicking on
links from unknown sources. IT experts in healthcare facilities ensure that that medical
practitioners are aware of potential attacks by offering training to them. Lastly, the EHR system
is kept safe by ensuring that it is up to date hence dealing with vulnerabilities.
7. Physical Vulnerability when device is implanted in humans' body, also size of the
device, and can these devices be integrated into 1 device?
Implantable medical devices (IMDs) are any device that is intended to be partly or totally
introduced, medically or surgically, into the human body, and which the user intends to remain in
his/her body after the procedure. Since the invention, IMDs have come a long way so that, today,
medical professionals can autonomously or remotely monitor the health of their patents as well
as administer treatments without having to visit the office. The ability to communicate over a
distance creates a bunch of risks, including inceptions by unauthorized third parties (Foster,
Tockman, Liu, Simms & Bustillos, 2017). These devices are also vulnerable to physical
damages. The human body is subject to such things as falls or changes in weather conditions,
which may affect the IMDs. If a person falls, there is a possibility of damaging the IMD if it
comes into contact with the ground. Weather conditions may also cause physical harm to the
IMDs. Rain, for instance, can harm the e-tattoo implantable device by causing short-circuiting,
which may cause an error in the transmission of patients' medical data.
The size of the IMDs varies according to companies that produce them. This is because
the size of an implantable device depends on the number of transistors that can be mapped on a
certain area, and different companies have different technologies to do so. The size of the first
implantable pacemaker, which is an implantable device that regulates the heart rhythm was
16mm thick and had a diameter of 55mm, which is similar to a shoe polish can from Kiwi. With



technology, however, the number of transistors that can be found in a specific area has increased.
As such, implantable devices are far much smaller today, with the implantable pacemaker size
being the size of a matchbox or smaller. Its weight also reduced and weighed between 20g and
50g. Technology has also made it possible for various IMDs to be integrated into one device that
can serve to achieve the purpose of each separately.
8. The use of nanochips in IoT devices that are used for the health sector, for example,
when can't apple watch calculate blood pressure is there cert...

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