Assigment MGT201 Markting

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Business Finance

MGT 201

Saudi electronic university




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College of Administrative and Financial Sciences Assignment 2 Deadline: 3/28/2020 @ 23:59 Course Name: Student’s Name: Course Code: Student’s ID Number: Semester: I CRN: Academic Year: 1440/1441 H For Instructor’s Use only Instructor’s Name: Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained/Out of Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer. • Late submission will NOT be accepted. • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism). • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted. ASSIGNMENT-2 Weightage: 10 marks Learning Outcomes: 1. Ability to carry out objective and scientific analysis of consumers’ needs and wants (Lo 2.3 & 2.6). 2. Ability to collect, evaluate and synthesize consumers data to make objective and informed marketing decisions (Lo 2.7). Assignment No: 2 CRITICAL WRITING Today, there is a great multitude and varieties of new products available in stores and online, from which consumers can choose. Think about the new products you've seen in the past two or three years, then choose a new product from any category. Questions (2×5 = 10 Marks) 1. How would you define the attributes and benefits of the chosen product? 2. Define the core, actual, and augmented product benefits. 3. Briefly describe the steps in the new product development process. 4. Each product will have a life cycle, although its exact shape and length are not known in advance. Explain each step in the PLC. 5. What are the dimensions upon which a company manages its product portfolio?
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Explanation & Answer



Critical Thinking: iPhone X
Reflection Paper
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Critical Thinking: iPhone X
Definition of Product Attributes
iPhone X is the phone everyone wants in the smartphone industry launched sometime back
in November 2017. The smartphone has received a lot of attention since its introduction to the
market. The phone is pronounced as iPhone ten as the company calls it featuring a 5.8-inch OLED
display, facial recognition, and a 3D camera functionality. The device also contains a glass body,
and A11 Bionic processor (Eadicicco, 2017). Apple's aim of producing and launching iPhone X
was to create an iPhone that's all display, blurring the line between physical object and experience.
The 5.8-inch front screen melts into a highly polished curved-edge stainless steel band encircling
a durable all-glass body available in two pearlescent finishes. The product does not only come
with traditional functions, including voice communication, mobile web, emails, and touch-screen
user interface potentials but also designed to improve the customer experience as compared to
other smartphones. The iPhone contains the sharpest display ever on a smartphone with a colorful
OLED display with more than 2 million pixels. The product also has a face recognition used to
unlock the device automatically by looking at it. The iPhone's level of quality is remarkably
attributed to its consistency and ease of use (Haselton, 2017).
Levels of the Product
iPhone X, like most products, has various levels of product benefits that differentiate it
from its competitors. The levels comprise the core, actual, and augmented product be...

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